GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ManagedDataSource
com.gigaspaces.datasource Provides GigaSpaces DataSource implementation. This package is responsible for simplifying the creation of IJSpace implementation. 
org.openspaces.persistency.hibernate An implementation of GigaSpaces external data source using Hibernate. 
org.openspaces.persistency.patterns Set of patterns that can be used to wrap different external data sources. 

Uses of ManagedDataSource in com.gigaspaces.datasource

Subinterfaces of ManagedDataSource in com.gigaspaces.datasource
 interface DataPersister<T>
          DataPersister is responsible for the persistency of the space data in external data source.
 interface DataProvider<T>
          DataProvider is responsible for retrieving space data from external data source.
 interface ExternalDataSource<T>
           ExternalDataSource is an interface for space external data source.
 interface SQLDataProvider<T>
           SQLDataProvider should be implemented when complex queries are used by the client.

Uses of ManagedDataSource in

Methods in with parameters of type ManagedDataSource
 UrlSpaceConfigurer UrlSpaceConfigurer.externalDataSource(ManagedDataSource externalDataSource)
 void UrlSpaceFactoryBean.setExternalDataSource(ManagedDataSource externalDataSource)
          A data source

Uses of ManagedDataSource in org.openspaces.persistency.hibernate

Classes in org.openspaces.persistency.hibernate that implement ManagedDataSource
 class AbstractHibernateExternalDataSource
          A base class for Hibernate based external data source implementations.
 class CriteriaHibernateExternalDataSource
          An extension over the default implementation that also implements DataProvider (not needed by default).
 class DefaultHibernateExternalDataSource
          The default Hibernate external data source implementation.
 class StatelessHibernateExternalDataSource
          An external data source implementation based on Hiberante StatelessSession.

Uses of ManagedDataSource in org.openspaces.persistency.patterns

Subinterfaces of ManagedDataSource in org.openspaces.persistency.patterns
 interface ManagedDataSourceEntriesProvider
          A marker interface for ManagedDataSource that can provide a list of all the given entries this managed data source handles.

Classes in org.openspaces.persistency.patterns that implement ManagedDataSource
 class AbstractManagedDataSourceDelegator
          Base class that delegates execution to data source.
 class AbstractManagedDataSourceSplitter
          A base class for a splitter data source.
 class BulkDataPersisterExceptionHandler
          An exception handler that delegates BulkDataPersister execution and calls the provided ExceptionHandler in case of exceptions.
 class BulkDataPersisterSplitter
          A bulk data persister that implements the execute bulk operation.
 class DataProviderSplitter
          A data provider that redirects template based operations to the given data source that can handle its type.
 class SQLDataProviderExceptionHandler
 class SQLDataProviderSplitter
          A sql data provider that redirects the sql basded operatinos to the given data source that can handle the given type.

Fields in org.openspaces.persistency.patterns declared as ManagedDataSource
protected  ManagedDataSource AbstractManagedDataSourceDelegator.dataSource

Methods in org.openspaces.persistency.patterns that return ManagedDataSource
protected  ManagedDataSource AbstractManagedDataSourceSplitter.getDataSource(String entry)

Constructors in org.openspaces.persistency.patterns with parameters of type ManagedDataSource
AbstractManagedDataSourceDelegator(ManagedDataSource dataSource)
BulkDataPersisterExceptionHandler(ManagedDataSource dataSource, ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler)
SQLDataProviderExceptionHandler(ManagedDataSource dataSource, ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler)

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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