GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface LogEntryMatcher

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ClientLogEntryMatcherCallback, StreamLogEntryMatcher
All Known Implementing Classes:
AfterEntryLogEntryMatcher, AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher, AllLogEntryMatcher, BeforeEntryLogEntryMatcher, BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher, ContainsStringLogEntryMatcher, ContinuousLogEntryMatcher, FirstFileLogEntryMatcher, ForwardChunkLogEntryMatcher, LastNLogEntryMatcher, LogEntryMatcherFilter, NoneLogEntryMatcher, RegexLogEntryMatcher, ReverseLogEntryMatcher, SameFileLogEntryMatcher, SizeLogEntryMatcher

public interface LogEntryMatcher
extends Serializable

A matcher allowing to control the traversal of the log file. Also accumulates the required log entries to be processed in order to return them.


Nested Class Summary
static class LogEntryMatcher.InitializationContext
static class LogEntryMatcher.Operation
Method Summary
 List<LogEntry> entries()
          Returns all the relevant entries this matcher accumulated.
 void initialize(LogEntryMatcher.InitializationContext context)
          Called on the loggable component side (server) before starting to traverse the log file.
 LogEntryMatcher.Operation match(LogEntry entry)
          Controls if the traversal of the log file should continue, or break.

Method Detail


void initialize(LogEntryMatcher.InitializationContext context)
                throws IOException
Called on the loggable component side (server) before starting to traverse the log file.



List<LogEntry> entries()
Returns all the relevant entries this matcher accumulated.

Note, for ease of use in implementing the matcher, the entries are assumed to be from newest to oldest (if the matcher value order).


LogEntryMatcher.Operation match(LogEntry entry)
Controls if the traversal of the log file should continue, or break. If it should break, then all the entries() accumulated will be returned.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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