GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use LogEntryMatcher
com.sun.jini.reggie Provides implementations of ServiceRegistrar
org.openspaces.admin Entry point for Admin API, allowing to use AdminFactory in order to create an Admin instance. 
org.openspaces.admin.gsa Support for managing of Grid Service Agent(s) through the Admin API. 

Uses of LogEntryMatcher in com.gigaspaces.log

Subinterfaces of LogEntryMatcher in com.gigaspaces.log
 interface ClientLogEntryMatcherCallback
          A marker interface for a specific LogEntryMatcher marking it as needed to have extra processing step when it is received on the client side.
 interface StreamLogEntryMatcher
          A marker interface indicating that a log entry matcher can be used for streaming (i.e. used repeatedly).

Classes in com.gigaspaces.log that implement LogEntryMatcher
 class AfterEntryLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher filter that will return log entries that happened from (after) the provided log entry.
 class AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher filter that will match only on log entries that occurred after the specified time.
 class AllLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher that returns all the log entries.
 class BeforeEntryLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher filter that will return log entries that happened till the provided log entry.
 class BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher filter that will match only on log entries that occurred before the specified time.
 class ContainsStringLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher filter that will filter out all log entries that do not contain the provided string.
 class ContinuousLogEntryMatcher
          A reusable matcher (not thread safe) which accepts a matcher that returns the log entries for the first call, and for any other call, a AfterEntryLogEntryMatcher will be used with the last log entry returned.
 class FirstFileLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher that will be executed only on the first log file.
 class ForwardChunkLogEntryMatcher
          A forward chunk that iterates over all the log files, from start to end.
 class LastNLogEntryMatcher
          Returns the last N log entries.
 class LogEntryMatcherFilter
          A base class for entry matchers that act as filters to a delegated matcher.
 class NoneLogEntryMatcher
          A log entry matcher filter that matches on nothing.
 class RegexLogEntryMatcher
          A log entry matcher filter that will match on log entries which match on the given regular expression.
 class ReverseLogEntryMatcher
          A streaming log entry matcher that allows to traverse the log entries in a streaming manner in a reverse order.
 class SameFileLogEntryMatcher
          A log entry matcher filter that matches on logs that only exists within the same log file.
 class SizeLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher that returns only stores the last N entries but does not break (basically, will return the last N elements processed).

Methods in com.gigaspaces.log with parameters of type LogEntryMatcher
static AfterEntryLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.afterEntry(LogEntries logEntries, LogEntry logEntry, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static AfterEntryLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.afterEntry(LogEntries logEntries, LogEntry logEntry, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.afterTime(long timestamp, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.afterTime(long timestamp, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.afterTime(String time, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.afterTime(String time, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.afterTime(String time, String format, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.afterTime(String time, String format, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static BeforeEntryLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.beforeEntry(LogEntries logEntries, LogEntry logEntry, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static BeforeEntryLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.beforeEntry(LogEntries logEntries, LogEntry logEntry, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.beforeTime(long timestamp, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.beforeTime(long timestamp, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.beforeTime(String time, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.beforeTime(String time, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.beforeTime(String time, String format, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.beforeTime(String time, String format, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static ContainsStringLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.containsString(String str, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static ContinuousLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.continuous(LogEntryMatcher initialMatcher)
static ContinuousLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.continuous(LogEntryMatcher initialMatcher, LogEntryMatcher continousMatcher)
static FirstFileLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.firstFile(LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static ForwardChunkLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.forwardChunk(LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static LastNLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.lastN(int lastN, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static RegexLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.regex(String regex, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
static ReverseLogEntryMatcher LogEntryMatchers.reverse(LogEntryMatcher matcher)

Constructors in com.gigaspaces.log with parameters of type LogEntryMatcher
AfterEntryLogEntryMatcher(LogEntries logEntries, LogEntry logEntry, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
AfterEntryLogEntryMatcher(LogEntries logEntries, LogEntry logEntry, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher(long timestamp, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher(long timestamp, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher(String time, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher(String time, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher(String time, String format, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher(String time, String format, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
BeforeEntryLogEntryMatcher(LogEntries logEntries, LogEntry logEntry, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
BeforeEntryLogEntryMatcher(LogEntries logEntries, LogEntry logEntry, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher(long timestamp, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher(long timestamp, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher(String time, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher(String time, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher(String time, String format, boolean inclusive, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher(String time, String format, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
ContainsStringLogEntryMatcher(String str, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
ContinuousLogEntryMatcher(LogEntryMatcher initialMatcher, LogEntryMatcher continousMatcher)
FirstFileLogEntryMatcher(LogEntryMatcher matcher)
ForwardChunkLogEntryMatcher(LogEntryMatcher matcher)
LastNLogEntryMatcher(int lastN, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
LogEntryMatcherFilter(LogEntryMatcher matcher)
RegexLogEntryMatcher(String regex, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
ReverseLogEntryMatcher(LogEntryMatcher matcher)
SameFileLogEntryMatcher(LogEntries logEntries, LogEntry logEntry, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
SameFileLogEntryMatcher(long filePosition, LogEntryMatcher matcher)

Uses of LogEntryMatcher in com.sun.jini.reggie

Methods in com.sun.jini.reggie with parameters of type LogEntryMatcher
 LogEntries GigaRegistrar.logEntriesDirect(LogEntryMatcher matcher)

Uses of LogEntryMatcher in org.openspaces.admin

Methods in org.openspaces.admin with parameters of type LogEntryMatcher
 LogEntries LogProviderGridComponent.logEntries(LogEntryMatcher matcher)
          Returns the log entries matching the given matcher for the specific grid component.
 LogEntries LogProviderGridComponent.logEntriesDirect(LogEntryMatcher matcher)
          Same as LogProviderGridComponent.logEntries(com.gigaspaces.log.LogEntryMatcher), but does not try and get the logs from the agent.

Uses of LogEntryMatcher in org.openspaces.admin.gsa

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.gsa with parameters of type LogEntryMatcher
 CompoundLogEntries GridServiceAgent.allLogEntries(LogProcessType type, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
          Extracts all the log entries for the provided process type including both "live" runtime components and ones that are no longer running.
 CompoundLogEntries GridServiceAgent.liveLogEntries(LogEntryMatcher matcher)
          Extracts all the log entries of all the "live" runtime components that this agent is running matching the given matcher.
 LogEntries GridServiceAgent.logEntries(LogProcessType type, long pid, LogEntryMatcher matcher)
          Extract the log entries matching the provided matcher for the process type and process id.

Uses of LogEntryMatcher in org.openspaces.grid.esm

Methods in org.openspaces.grid.esm with parameters of type LogEntryMatcher
 LogEntries ESMImpl.logEntriesDirect(LogEntryMatcher matcher)

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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