GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ClientSubjectChecker
com.sun.jini.discovery Provides a set of constraints, low-level utility classes, and provider interfaces for participating in versions 1 and 2 of the multicast request, multicast announcement, and unicast discovery protocols. 
com.sun.jini.discovery.plaintext Provides an implementation of the net.jini.discovery.plaintext discovery format, specified in the Jini(TM) Discovery and Join Specification

Uses of ClientSubjectChecker in com.sun.jini.discovery

Classes in com.sun.jini.discovery that implement ClientSubjectChecker
 class ClientPermissionChecker
          Implementation of ClientSubjectChecker that approves or rejects client subjects based on whether or not they have been granted a particular permission.

Methods in com.sun.jini.discovery with parameters of type ClientSubjectChecker
 MulticastRequest MulticastRequestDecoder.decodeMulticastRequest(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker)
          Decodes the multicast request data contained in the given buffer in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints and client subject checker (if any), returning a MulticastRequest instance that contains the decoded data.
 MulticastRequest DelayedMulticastRequestDecoder.decodeMulticastRequest(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker, boolean delayConstraintCheck)
          Decodes the multicast request data contained in the given buffer in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints and client subject checker (if any), returning a MulticastRequest instance that contains the decoded data, with constraint checking optionally delayed.
abstract  MulticastRequest Discovery.decodeMulticastRequest(DatagramPacket packet, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker)
          Decodes the multicast request data contained in the given datagram in a manner that satisfies the specified constraints and client subject checker (if any), returning a MulticastRequest instance that contains the decoded data.
 MulticastRequest Discovery.decodeMulticastRequest(DatagramPacket packet, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker, boolean delayConstraintCheck)
          Decodes the multicast request data contained in the given datagram in a manner that satisfies the specified constraints and client subject checker (if any), returning a MulticastRequest instance that contains the decoded data, with constraint checking optionally delayed.
abstract  void Discovery.handleUnicastDiscovery(UnicastResponse response, Socket socket, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker, Collection context)
          Handles the server side of unicast discovery, transmitting the given response data over the provided socket using the given collection of object stream context objects in a manner that satisfies the specified constraints and client subject checker (if any).
 void UnicastDiscoveryServer.handleUnicastDiscovery(UnicastResponse response, Socket socket, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker, Collection context, ByteBuffer received, ByteBuffer sent)
          Handles the server side of unicast discovery, transmitting the given response data over the provided socket using the given collection of object stream context objects in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints and client subject checker (if any).

Uses of ClientSubjectChecker in com.sun.jini.discovery.internal

Methods in com.sun.jini.discovery.internal with parameters of type ClientSubjectChecker
 MulticastRequest X500Server.decodeMulticastRequest(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker)
 MulticastRequest X500Server.decodeMulticastRequest(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker, boolean delayConstraintCheck)

Uses of ClientSubjectChecker in com.sun.jini.discovery.plaintext

Methods in com.sun.jini.discovery.plaintext with parameters of type ClientSubjectChecker
 MulticastRequest Server.decodeMulticastRequest(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker)
 void Server.handleUnicastDiscovery(UnicastResponse response, Socket socket, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker, Collection context, ByteBuffer received, ByteBuffer sent)

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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