GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use InvocationConstraints
com.sun.jini.discovery Provides a set of constraints, low-level utility classes, and provider interfaces for participating in versions 1 and 2 of the multicast request, multicast announcement, and unicast discovery protocols. 
com.sun.jini.discovery.plaintext Provides an implementation of the net.jini.discovery.plaintext discovery format, specified in the Jini(TM) Discovery and Join Specification
net.jini.constraint Provides a basic implementation of MethodConstraints and a TrustVerifier for common constraints. 
net.jini.core.constraint Defines constraints and collections of constraints that can be used to control method invocation, and an interface that proxies implement to allow clients to specify constraints for remote method calls. 

Uses of InvocationConstraints in com.sun.jini.discovery

Methods in com.sun.jini.discovery that return InvocationConstraints
 InvocationConstraints DiscoveryConstraints.getUnfulfilledConstraints()
          Returns the constraints for this instance which are not, or do not contain as alternatives, instances of the "fulfillable" (by this layer) constraint types DiscoveryProtocolVersion, ConnectionRelativeTime, MulticastMaxPacketSize, MulticastTimeToLive, and UnicastSocketTimeout.

Methods in com.sun.jini.discovery with parameters of type InvocationConstraints
 void UnicastDiscoveryClient.checkUnicastDiscoveryConstraints(InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Checks and returns normally if this client is capable of fulfilling the given absolute constraints.
 void UnicastDiscoveryServer.checkUnicastDiscoveryConstraints(InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Checks and returns normally if this server is capable of fulfilling the given absolute constraints.
 MulticastAnnouncement MulticastAnnouncementDecoder.decodeMulticastAnnouncement(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Decodes the multicast announcement data contained in the given buffer in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints, returning a MulticastAnnouncement instance that contains the decoded data.
 MulticastAnnouncement DelayedMulticastAnnouncementDecoder.decodeMulticastAnnouncement(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints, boolean delayConstraintCheck)
          Decodes the multicast announcement data contained in the given buffer in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints, returning a MulticastAnnouncement instance that contains the decoded data, with constraint checking optionally delayed.
abstract  MulticastAnnouncement Discovery.decodeMulticastAnnouncement(DatagramPacket packet, InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Decodes the multicast announcement data contained in the given datagram in a manner that satisfies the specified constraints, returning a MulticastAnnouncement instance that contains the decoded data.
 MulticastAnnouncement Discovery.decodeMulticastAnnouncement(DatagramPacket packet, InvocationConstraints constraints, boolean delayConstraintCheck)
          Decodes the multicast announcement data contained in the given datagram in a manner that satisfies the specified constraints, returning a MulticastAnnouncement instance that contains the decoded data, with constraint checking optionally delayed.
 MulticastRequest MulticastRequestDecoder.decodeMulticastRequest(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker)
          Decodes the multicast request data contained in the given buffer in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints and client subject checker (if any), returning a MulticastRequest instance that contains the decoded data.
 MulticastRequest DelayedMulticastRequestDecoder.decodeMulticastRequest(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker, boolean delayConstraintCheck)
          Decodes the multicast request data contained in the given buffer in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints and client subject checker (if any), returning a MulticastRequest instance that contains the decoded data, with constraint checking optionally delayed.
abstract  MulticastRequest Discovery.decodeMulticastRequest(DatagramPacket packet, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker)
          Decodes the multicast request data contained in the given datagram in a manner that satisfies the specified constraints and client subject checker (if any), returning a MulticastRequest instance that contains the decoded data.
 MulticastRequest Discovery.decodeMulticastRequest(DatagramPacket packet, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker, boolean delayConstraintCheck)
          Decodes the multicast request data contained in the given datagram in a manner that satisfies the specified constraints and client subject checker (if any), returning a MulticastRequest instance that contains the decoded data, with constraint checking optionally delayed.
abstract  UnicastResponse Discovery.doUnicastDiscovery(Socket socket, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClassLoader defaultLoader, ClassLoader verifierLoader, Collection context)
          Performs the client side of unicast discovery, obtaining the returned response data over the provided socket using the given default and codebase verifier class loaders and collection of object stream context objects in a manner that satisfies the specified constraints.
 UnicastResponse UnicastDiscoveryClient.doUnicastDiscovery(Socket socket, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClassLoader defaultLoader, ClassLoader verifierLoader, Collection context, ByteBuffer sent, ByteBuffer received)
          Performs the client side of unicast discovery, obtaining the returned response data over the provided socket using the given default and codebase verifier class loaders and collection of object stream context objects in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints.
 void MulticastAnnouncementEncoder.encodeMulticastAnnouncement(MulticastAnnouncement announcement, DatagramBufferFactory bufs, InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Encodes the given multicast announcement data into byte buffers obtained from the provided datagram buffer factory, in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints.
abstract  EncodeIterator Discovery.encodeMulticastAnnouncement(MulticastAnnouncement announcement, int maxPacketSize, InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Returns an iterator which can be used to encode the given multicast announcement data into sets of DatagramPackets, each bounded in length by the specified maximum packet size, in a manner that satisfies the given constraints.
 void MulticastRequestEncoder.encodeMulticastRequest(MulticastRequest request, DatagramBufferFactory bufs, InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Encodes the given multicast request data into byte buffers obtained from the provided datagram buffer factory, in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints.
abstract  EncodeIterator Discovery.encodeMulticastRequest(MulticastRequest request, int maxPacketSize, InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Returns an iterator which can be used to encode the given multicast request data into sets of DatagramPackets, each bounded in length by the specified maximum packet size, in a manner that satisfies the given constraints.
abstract  void Discovery.handleUnicastDiscovery(UnicastResponse response, Socket socket, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker, Collection context)
          Handles the server side of unicast discovery, transmitting the given response data over the provided socket using the given collection of object stream context objects in a manner that satisfies the specified constraints and client subject checker (if any).
 void UnicastDiscoveryServer.handleUnicastDiscovery(UnicastResponse response, Socket socket, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker, Collection context, ByteBuffer received, ByteBuffer sent)
          Handles the server side of unicast discovery, transmitting the given response data over the provided socket using the given collection of object stream context objects in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints and client subject checker (if any).
static DiscoveryConstraints DiscoveryConstraints.process(InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Processes the discovery-related constraints in the given set of constraints, returning a DiscoveryConstraints instance from which the constraint results can be queried.

Uses of InvocationConstraints in com.sun.jini.discovery.internal

Methods in com.sun.jini.discovery.internal with parameters of type InvocationConstraints
static void Plaintext.checkConstraints(InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Returns normally if the given constraints can be satisfied by a plaintext-based format/protocol (such as net.jini.discovery.plaintext, or version 1 of the discovery protocols); otherwise, throws an UnsupportedConstraintException .
 MulticastAnnouncement X500Client.decodeMulticastAnnouncement(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints)
 MulticastAnnouncement X500Client.decodeMulticastAnnouncement(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints, boolean delayConstraintCheck)
 MulticastRequest X500Server.decodeMulticastRequest(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker)
 MulticastRequest X500Server.decodeMulticastRequest(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker, boolean delayConstraintCheck)
 void X500Server.encodeMulticastAnnouncement(MulticastAnnouncement announcement, DatagramBufferFactory bufs, InvocationConstraints constraints)
 void X500Client.encodeMulticastRequest(MulticastRequest request, DatagramBufferFactory bufs, InvocationConstraints constraints)
 UnicastResponse MultiIPDiscovery.getResponse(String host, int port, InvocationConstraints constraints)

Uses of InvocationConstraints in com.sun.jini.discovery.plaintext

Methods in com.sun.jini.discovery.plaintext with parameters of type InvocationConstraints
 void Client.checkUnicastDiscoveryConstraints(InvocationConstraints constraints)
 void Server.checkUnicastDiscoveryConstraints(InvocationConstraints constraints)
 MulticastAnnouncement Client.decodeMulticastAnnouncement(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints)
 MulticastRequest Server.decodeMulticastRequest(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker)
 UnicastResponse Client.doUnicastDiscovery(Socket socket, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClassLoader defaultLoader, ClassLoader verifierLoader, Collection context, ByteBuffer sent, ByteBuffer received)
 void Server.encodeMulticastAnnouncement(MulticastAnnouncement announcement, DatagramBufferFactory bufs, InvocationConstraints constraints)
 void Client.encodeMulticastRequest(MulticastRequest request, DatagramBufferFactory bufs, InvocationConstraints constraints)
 void Server.handleUnicastDiscovery(UnicastResponse response, Socket socket, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker, Collection context, ByteBuffer received, ByteBuffer sent)

Uses of InvocationConstraints in net.jini.constraint

Methods in net.jini.constraint that return InvocationConstraints
 InvocationConstraints BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc.getConstraints()
          Returns the constraints as a non-null value.
 InvocationConstraints BasicMethodConstraints.getConstraints(Method method)
          Returns the constraints for the specified remote method as a non-null value.

Constructors in net.jini.constraint with parameters of type InvocationConstraints
BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc(InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Creates a default descriptor that matches all methods.
BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc(String name, Class[] types, InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Creates a descriptor that only matches methods with exactly the specified name and parameter types.
BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc(String name, InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Creates a descriptor that matches all methods with names that equal the specified name or that match the specified pattern, regardless of their parameter types.
BasicMethodConstraints(InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Creates an instance that maps all methods to the specified constraints.

Uses of InvocationConstraints in net.jini.core.constraint

Fields in net.jini.core.constraint declared as InvocationConstraints
static InvocationConstraints InvocationConstraints.EMPTY
          An empty instance, one that has no requirements and no preferences.

Methods in net.jini.core.constraint that return InvocationConstraints
static InvocationConstraints InvocationConstraints.combine(InvocationConstraints constraints1, InvocationConstraints constraints2)
          Returns an instance of this class that has all of the requirements from each non-null argument added as requirements and has all of the preferences from each non-null argument added as preferences.
 InvocationConstraints MethodConstraints.getConstraints(Method method)
          Returns the constraints for the specified method as a non-null value.
 InvocationConstraints InvocationConstraints.makeAbsolute()
          Returns an instance of this class constructed from all of the same requirements and preferences as this instance, but with every constraint that is an instance of RelativeTimeConstraint replaced by the result of invoking the constraint's makeAbsolute method with the current time (as given by System.currentTimeMillis).
 InvocationConstraints InvocationConstraints.makeAbsolute(long baseTime)
          Returns an instance of this class equal to the result of taking the requirements and preferences in this instance, replacing each constraint that is an instance of RelativeTimeConstraint with the result of invoking that constraint's makeAbsolute method with the specified base time, and creating a new instance of this class with duplicate requirements, duplicate preferences, and preferences that are duplicates of requirements all removed.

Methods in net.jini.core.constraint with parameters of type InvocationConstraints
static InvocationConstraints InvocationConstraints.combine(InvocationConstraints constraints1, InvocationConstraints constraints2)
          Returns an instance of this class that has all of the requirements from each non-null argument added as requirements and has all of the preferences from each non-null argument added as preferences.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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