GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use LeaseDeniedException
com.j_spaces.core.client Provides GigaSpaces client interface services 
com.sun.jini.landlord This is a utility for services implementing leases. Some basic utility classes for helping with client-side lease renewal operations. 
com.sun.jini.mahalo Provides implementations of the TransactionManager service. These are distributed leasing interfaces and classes. 
net.jini.core.transaction These are the transaction abstraction's interfaces and classes. 
net.jini.core.transaction.server These are the default transaction semantics for participant/manager interaction. 

Uses of LeaseDeniedException in com.j_spaces.core.client

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client that throw LeaseDeniedException
 void GSIterator.renew(long duration)
          Used to renew the iterator's lease for an additional period of time, specified in milliseconds.

Uses of LeaseDeniedException in com.sun.jini.landlord

Methods in com.sun.jini.landlord that throw LeaseDeniedException
protected  long LandlordLease.doRenew(long renewDuration)
 LeasePeriodPolicy.Result FixedLeasePeriodPolicy.grant(LeasedResource resource, long requestedDuration)
 LeasePeriodPolicy.Result LeasePeriodPolicy.grant(LeasedResource resource, long requestedDuration)
          Calculate the initial expiration and duration for a new lease.
 LeasePeriodPolicy.Result FixedLeasePeriodPolicy.renew(LeasedResource resource, long requestedDuration)
 LeasePeriodPolicy.Result LeasePeriodPolicy.renew(LeasedResource resource, long requestedDuration)
          Calculate the expiration and duration for an existing lease that is being renewed.
 long Landlord.renew(Uuid cookie, long duration)
          Called by the lease when its renew method is called.
 long LocalLandlord.renew(Uuid cookie, long duration)
          Renew the lease that is associated with the given cookie.

Uses of LeaseDeniedException in

Methods in that throw LeaseDeniedException
protected abstract  long AbstractLease.doRenew(long duration)
          Renew the lease for a duration relative to now, and return the duration actually granted.
 void AbstractLease.renew(long duration)
          Renew the lease for a duration relative to now.

Uses of LeaseDeniedException in com.sun.jini.mahalo

Methods in com.sun.jini.mahalo that throw LeaseDeniedException
 TransactionManager.Created TxnManagerImpl.create(long lease)
 TransactionManager.Created TxnMgrProxy.create(long lease)
 TransactionManager.Created TxnManagerImpl.create(Object externalXid, long lease)
 TransactionManager.Created TxnMgrProxy.create(Object xid, long lease)
 void MahaloTxnBasicLease.renew(long duration)
          Renew the lease for a duration relative to now.
 long TxnManagerImpl.renew(Uuid uuid, long extension)
          Requests the renewal of a lease on a Transaction.

Uses of LeaseDeniedException in

Methods in that throw LeaseDeniedException
 void Lease.renew(long duration)
          Used to renew a lease for an additional period of time, specified in milliseconds.

Uses of LeaseDeniedException in net.jini.core.transaction

Methods in net.jini.core.transaction that throw LeaseDeniedException
 NestableTransaction.Created NestableTransaction.create(long leaseTime)
          Create a new nested transaction, with the current transaction as parent, managed by the same transaction manager as the current transaction.
 NestableTransaction.Created NestableTransaction.create(NestableTransactionManager mgr, long leaseTime)
          Create a new nested transaction, with the current transaction as parent, managed by the given transaction manager.
static NestableTransaction.Created TransactionFactory.create(NestableTransactionManager mgr, long leaseTime)
          Create a new top-level transaction, under which nested transactions can be created.
static Transaction.Created TransactionFactory.create(TransactionManager mgr, long leaseTime)
          Create a new top-level transaction.

Uses of LeaseDeniedException in net.jini.core.transaction.server

Methods in net.jini.core.transaction.server that throw LeaseDeniedException
 NestableTransaction.Created NestableServerTransaction.create(long leaseTime)
 TransactionManager.Created TransactionManager.create(long lease)
          Begin a new top-level transaction.
 NestableTransaction.Created NestableServerTransaction.create(NestableTransactionManager mgr, long leaseTime)
 TransactionManager.Created NestableTransactionManager.create(NestableTransactionManager parentMgr, long parentID, long lease)
          Begin a nested transaction, with the specified transaction as parent.
 TransactionManager.Created ExtendedTransactionManager.create(Object xid, long lease)
 void TransactionParticipant.renewLease(TransactionManager mgr, long id, long time)
          Notify the transaction participant about transaction lease renewal

Uses of LeaseDeniedException in net.jini.event

Methods in net.jini.event that throw LeaseDeniedException
 MailboxPullRegistration PullEventMailbox.pullRegister(long leaseDuration)
          Defines the interface to the event mailbox service.
 MailboxRegistration EventMailbox.register(long leaseDuration)
          Defines the interface to the event mailbox service.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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