GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use UnknownLeaseException Provides GigaSpaces events related interfaces. 
com.sun.jini.landlord This is a utility for services implementing leases. Some basic utility classes for helping with client-side lease renewal operations. 
com.sun.jini.mahalo Provides implementations of the TransactionManager service. 
com.sun.jini.reggie Provides implementations of ServiceRegistrar These are distributed leasing interfaces and classes. 
net.jini.core.lookup These are the lookup service interfaces and classes. 
net.jini.core.transaction.server These are the default transaction semantics for participant/manager interaction. Standard service and utility classes for managing leases. 

Uses of UnknownLeaseException in

Methods in that throw UnknownLeaseException
 void EventSession.close()
          closes the session and deregister all listeners.
 void DataEventSession.removeListener(EventRegistration registration)
          Unregisters the listener from the space.

Uses of UnknownLeaseException in com.sun.jini.landlord

Methods in com.sun.jini.landlord that throw UnknownLeaseException
 void LandlordLease.cancel()
 void Landlord.cancel(Uuid cookie)
          Called by the lease when its cancel method is called.
 void LocalLandlord.cancel(Uuid cookie)
          Cancel the lease that is associated with the given cookie.
protected  long LandlordLease.doRenew(long renewDuration)
 long Landlord.renew(Uuid cookie, long duration)
          Called by the lease when its renew method is called.
 long LocalLandlord.renew(Uuid cookie, long duration)
          Renew the lease that is associated with the given cookie.

Uses of UnknownLeaseException in

Methods in that throw UnknownLeaseException
protected abstract  long AbstractLease.doRenew(long duration)
          Renew the lease for a duration relative to now, and return the duration actually granted.
 void AbstractLease.renew(long duration)
          Renew the lease for a duration relative to now.

Uses of UnknownLeaseException in com.sun.jini.mahalo

Methods in com.sun.jini.mahalo that throw UnknownLeaseException
 void LeaseExpirationMgr.Expirer.cancel(Uuid cookie)
          Called by a LeaseExpirationMgr when it needs to expire a resource.
 void TxnManagerImpl.cancel(Uuid uuid)
          Cancels the lease on a Transaction.
 void MahaloTxnBasicLease.renew(long duration)
          Renew the lease for a duration relative to now.
 long TxnManagerImpl.renew(Uuid uuid, long extension)
          Requests the renewal of a lease on a Transaction.

Uses of UnknownLeaseException in com.sun.jini.reggie

Methods in com.sun.jini.reggie that throw UnknownLeaseException
 void GigaRegistrar.addAttributes(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, EntryRep[] attrSets)
 void Registrar.addAttributes(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, EntryRep[] attrSets)
          Adds the specified attribute sets (those that aren't duplicates of existing attribute sets) to the registered service item.
 void EventLease.cancel()
 void GigaRegistrar.cancelEventLease(long eventID, Uuid leaseID)
 void Registrar.cancelEventLease(long eventID, Uuid leaseID)
          Cancels an event lease.
 void GigaRegistrar.cancelServiceLease(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID)
 void Registrar.cancelServiceLease(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID)
          Cancels a service lease.
protected  long EventLease.doRenew(long duration)
          Renews the event lease associated with an instance of this class.
 void GigaRegistrar.modifyAttributes(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, EntryRep[] attrSetTmpls, EntryRep[] attrSets)
 void Registrar.modifyAttributes(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, EntryRep[] attrSetTmpls, EntryRep[] attrSets)
          Modifies existing attribute sets of a registered service item.
 long GigaRegistrar.renewEventLease(long eventID, Uuid leaseID, long renewDuration)
 long Registrar.renewEventLease(long eventID, Uuid leaseID, long duration)
          Renews an event lease.
 long GigaRegistrar.renewServiceLease(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, long renewDuration)
 long Registrar.renewServiceLease(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, long duration)
          Renews a service lease.
 void GigaRegistrar.setAttributes(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, EntryRep[] attrSets)
 void Registrar.setAttributes(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, EntryRep[] attrSets)
          Deletes all of the service item's existing attributes, and replaces them with the specified attribute sets.

Uses of UnknownLeaseException in

Methods in that throw UnknownLeaseException
 void Lease.cancel()
          Used by the lease holder to indicate that it is no longer interested in the resource or information held by the lease.
 void Lease.renew(long duration)
          Used to renew a lease for an additional period of time, specified in milliseconds.

Uses of UnknownLeaseException in net.jini.core.lookup

Methods in net.jini.core.lookup that throw UnknownLeaseException
 void ServiceRegistration.addAttributes(Entry[] attrSets)
          Adds the specified attribute sets (those that aren't duplicates of existing attribute sets) to the registered service item.
 void ServiceRegistration.modifyAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets)
          Modifies existing attribute sets.
 void ServiceRegistration.setAttributes(Entry[] attrSets)
          Deletes all of the service item's existing attributes, and replaces them with the specified attribute sets.

Uses of UnknownLeaseException in net.jini.core.transaction.server

Methods in net.jini.core.transaction.server that throw UnknownLeaseException
 void TransactionParticipant.renewLease(TransactionManager mgr, long id, long time)
          Notify the transaction participant about transaction lease renewal

Uses of UnknownLeaseException in

Methods in that throw UnknownLeaseException
 void LeaseRenewalManager.cancel(Lease lease)
          Removes a given lease from the managed set, and cancels it.
 long LeaseRenewalManager.getExpiration(Lease lease)
          Returns the current desired expiration time associated with a particular lease, (not the actual expiration that was granted when the lease was created or last renewed).
 void LeaseRenewalManager.remove(Lease lease)
          Removes a given lease from the managed set of leases; but does not cancel the given lease.
 void LeaseRenewalManager.setExpiration(Lease lease, long expiration)
          Replaces the current desired expiration of a given lease from the managed set with a new desired expiration time.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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