GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface Machine

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Machine
extends DumpProvider

A Machine is a logical entity identified by a host address. Once a grid service is running on a machine (GridServiceAgent, GridServiceManager, GridServiceContainer, LookupService, SpaceInstance) it is discovered (created) by the admin API.


Method Summary
 void addLifecycleEventListener(ProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
          Allows to add a ProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener.
 void addLifecycleListener(SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
          Allows to add a SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener.
 boolean contains(ProcessingUnitInstance processingUnitInstance)
          Returns true if the processing unit instance exists within the machine.
 boolean contains(SpaceInstance spaceInstance)
          Returns true if the machine contains the provided space instance.
 ElasticServiceManagers getElasticServiceManagers()
          Returns the elastic service managers running on the machine.
 GridServiceAgent getGridServiceAgent()
          Returns the first grid service agent.
 GridServiceAgents getGridServiceAgents()
          Returns the grid service agents running on the machine.
 GridServiceContainers getGridServiceContainers()
          Returns the grid service containers running on the machine.
 GridServiceManagers getGridServiceManagers()
          Returns the grid service managers running on the machine.
 String getHostAddress()
          Returns the host address of the machine.
 String getHostName()
          Returns the host name of the machine.
 LookupServices getLookupServices()
          Returns the lookup services that are running on the machine.
 OperatingSystem getOperatingSystem()
          Returns the operating system of the machine.
 ProcessingUnitInstanceAddedEventManager getProcessingUnitInstanceAdded()
          Returns the processing unit instance added event manager allowing to add and remove ProcessingUnitInstanceAddedEventListeners.
 ProcessingUnitInstanceRemovedEventManager getProcessingUnitInstanceRemoved()
          Returns the processing unit instance removed event manager allowing to add and remove ProcessingUnitInstanceRemovedEventListeners.
 ProcessingUnitInstance[] getProcessingUnitInstances()
          Returns all the processing unit instances running on the machine.
 ProcessingUnitInstance[] getProcessingUnitInstances(String processingUnitName)
          Returns the processing unit instances of the specified name that are currently deployed on the machine.
 SpaceInstanceAddedEventManager getSpaceInstanceAdded()
          Returns the space instance added event manager allowing to add and remove SpaceInstanceAddedEventListeners.
 SpaceInstanceRemovedEventManager getSpaceInstanceRemoved()
          Returns the space instance removed event manager allowing to add and remove SpaceInstanceRemovedEventListeners.
 SpaceInstance[] getSpaceInstances()
          Returns all the space instances running on the machine.
 Transports getTransports()
          Returns the transports "running" on the machine.
 String getUid()
          Returns the UID of the machine.
 VirtualMachines getVirtualMachines()
          Returns the virtual machines running on the machine.
 boolean hasGridComponents()
          Returns true if there are grid components.
 void removeLifecycleEventListener(ProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
          Allows to remove a ProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener.
 void removeLifecycleListener(SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
          Allows to remove a SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener.
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.dump.DumpProvider
generateDump, generateDump

Method Detail


String getUid()
Returns the UID of the machine.


String getHostAddress()
Returns the host address of the machine.


String getHostName()
Returns the host name of the machine.


LookupServices getLookupServices()
Returns the lookup services that are running on the machine.


GridServiceAgent getGridServiceAgent()
Returns the first grid service agent. Note, there will usually be only a single agent per machine. Returns null if there is no GridServiceAgent running on the machine.


GridServiceAgents getGridServiceAgents()
Returns the grid service agents running on the machine.


GridServiceManagers getGridServiceManagers()
Returns the grid service managers running on the machine.


ElasticServiceManagers getElasticServiceManagers()
Returns the elastic service managers running on the machine.


GridServiceContainers getGridServiceContainers()
Returns the grid service containers running on the machine.


OperatingSystem getOperatingSystem()
Returns the operating system of the machine.


VirtualMachines getVirtualMachines()
Returns the virtual machines running on the machine.


boolean hasGridComponents()
Returns true if there are grid components.


Transports getTransports()
Returns the transports "running" on the machine.


ProcessingUnitInstance[] getProcessingUnitInstances()
Returns all the processing unit instances running on the machine.


ProcessingUnitInstance[] getProcessingUnitInstances(String processingUnitName)
Returns the processing unit instances of the specified name that are currently deployed on the machine.


boolean contains(ProcessingUnitInstance processingUnitInstance)
Returns true if the processing unit instance exists within the machine.


ProcessingUnitInstanceAddedEventManager getProcessingUnitInstanceAdded()
Returns the processing unit instance added event manager allowing to add and remove ProcessingUnitInstanceAddedEventListeners.


ProcessingUnitInstanceRemovedEventManager getProcessingUnitInstanceRemoved()
Returns the processing unit instance removed event manager allowing to add and remove ProcessingUnitInstanceRemovedEventListeners.


void addLifecycleEventListener(ProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
Allows to add a ProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener.


void removeLifecycleEventListener(ProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
Allows to remove a ProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener.


SpaceInstance[] getSpaceInstances()
Returns all the space instances running on the machine.


boolean contains(SpaceInstance spaceInstance)
Returns true if the machine contains the provided space instance.


SpaceInstanceAddedEventManager getSpaceInstanceAdded()
Returns the space instance added event manager allowing to add and remove SpaceInstanceAddedEventListeners.


SpaceInstanceRemovedEventManager getSpaceInstanceRemoved()
Returns the space instance removed event manager allowing to add and remove SpaceInstanceRemovedEventListeners.


void addLifecycleListener(SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
Allows to add a SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener.


void removeLifecycleListener(SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
Allows to remove a SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.