GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SpaceDataEventListener A package including based classes and support classes for different OpenSpaces event containers. A package including adapter implementation of SpaceDataEventListener allowing to use either annotation or method listing to listen for events generated by different event containers. A notify event container allowing to use GigaSpace support for notifications. A polling event container generating events by performing polling receive operations. 
org.openspaces.remoting A package including OpenSpaces support for Sync and Async remoting inspired by other Spring remoting integrations. 

Uses of SpaceDataEventListener in

Methods in that return SpaceDataEventListener
protected  SpaceDataEventListener AbstractEventListenerContainer.getEventListener()

Methods in with parameters of type SpaceDataEventListener
protected  void AbstractEventListenerContainer.executeListener(SpaceDataEventListener eventListener, Object eventData, TransactionStatus txStatus, Object source)
          Executes the given listener if the container is running (AbstractSpaceListeningContainer.isRunning().
protected  void AbstractEventListenerContainer.invokeListener(SpaceDataEventListener eventListener, Object eventData, TransactionStatus txStatus, Object source)
          Invokes the configured SpaceDataEventListener based on the provided data.
 void AbstractEventListenerContainer.setEventListener(SpaceDataEventListener eventListener)
          Sets the event listener implementation that will be used to delegate events to.

Uses of SpaceDataEventListener in

Classes in that implement SpaceDataEventListener
 class AbstractReflectionEventListenerAdapter
          Base class for reflection driven invocation of event listener methods.
 class AbstractResultEventListenerAdapter
          A base class event listener allowing for event listeners result handling by writing it back to the space.
 class AnnotationEventListenerAdapter
          An event listener adapter that uses SpaceDataEvent annotation in order to find event listener methods to delegate to.
 class MethodEventListenerAdapter
          The method event listener adapter allows to configure the method name (using MethodEventListenerAdapter.setMethodName(String) that the event will be delegated to.
 class TaskExecutorEventListenerAdapter
          An adapter that delegates the execution of a SpaceDataEventListener to Spring TaskExecutor implementation (usually to be executed in a different thread).

Methods in with parameters of type SpaceDataEventListener
 void TaskExecutorEventListenerAdapter.setDelegate(SpaceDataEventListener delegate)
          Sets the delegate that will invoked using the task executor.

Uses of SpaceDataEventListener in

Methods in with parameters of type SpaceDataEventListener
 SimpleAsyncPollingContainerConfigurer SimpleAsyncPollingContainerConfigurer.eventListener(SpaceDataEventListener eventListener)

Uses of SpaceDataEventListener in

Subinterfaces of SpaceDataEventListener in
 interface NotifyTypeProvider
          An extension of space event listener allowing the listener to control programmatically (without the user having to configure it within the notify container) which notifications this listener will be invoked on.

Methods in with parameters of type SpaceDataEventListener
 SimpleNotifyContainerConfigurer SimpleNotifyContainerConfigurer.eventListener(SpaceDataEventListener eventListener)

Uses of SpaceDataEventListener in

Methods in with parameters of type SpaceDataEventListener
protected  boolean AbstractPollingEventListenerContainer.doReceiveAndExecute(SpaceDataEventListener eventListener, Object template, TransactionStatus status)
 SimplePollingContainerConfigurer SimplePollingContainerConfigurer.eventListener(SpaceDataEventListener eventListener)
protected  boolean AbstractPollingEventListenerContainer.receiveAndExecute(SpaceDataEventListener eventListener)
          Execute the listener for a message received from the given consumer, wrapping the entire operation in an external transaction if demanded.

Uses of SpaceDataEventListener in org.openspaces.remoting

Classes in org.openspaces.remoting that implement SpaceDataEventListener
 class SpaceRemotingServiceExporter
          Exports a list of services (beans) as remote services with the Space as the transport layer.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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