GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Lease
com.j_spaces.core Provides Space properties and security context services 
com.sun.jini.landlord This is a utility for services implementing leases. Some basic utility classes for helping with client-side lease renewal operations. 
com.sun.jini.mahalo Provides implementations of the TransactionManager service. 
com.sun.jini.reggie Provides implementations of ServiceRegistrar
net.jini.core.event The RemoteEventListener interface and related standard classes. These are distributed leasing interfaces and classes. 
net.jini.core.lookup These are the lookup service interfaces and classes. 
net.jini.core.transaction These are the transaction abstraction's interfaces and classes. 
net.jini.core.transaction.server These are the default transaction semantics for participant/manager interaction. 
net.jini.discovery These are utility classes and interfaces that conform to the discovery and join protocol defined in the Jini(TM) Discovery and Join Specification
net.jini.event Standard service and utility classes for managing leases. JavaSpaces(TM) servers provide a place on the network, a space, for clients to store and exchange objects. 

Uses of Lease in com.j_spaces.core

Subinterfaces of Lease in com.j_spaces.core
 interface LeaseContext<T>
          LeaseContext is a return-value encapsulation of a write operation.

Methods in com.j_spaces.core that return Lease
 Lease[] IJSpace.writeMultiple(Entry[] entries, Transaction txn, long lease)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.

Uses of Lease in com.sun.jini.landlord

Classes in com.sun.jini.landlord that implement Lease
 class ConstrainableLandlordLease
          Constrainable sub-class of LandlordLease.
 class LandlordLease
          Basic implementation of that works with the the Landlord protocol.

Methods in com.sun.jini.landlord with parameters of type Lease
 boolean ConstrainableLandlordLease.canBatch(Lease lease)
 boolean LandlordLease.canBatch(Lease lease)

Uses of Lease in

Classes in that implement Lease
 class AbstractLease
          A base class for implementing lease objects.

Methods in that return Lease
 Lease BasicRenewalFailureEvent.getLease()
          Returns the lease that could not be renewed.

Constructors in with parameters of type Lease
AbstractLeaseMap(Lease lease, long duration)
          Default to using a small HashMap.
AbstractLeaseMap(Map map, Lease lease, long duration)
          Provide a map of your choice.

Uses of Lease in com.sun.jini.mahalo

Classes in com.sun.jini.mahalo that implement Lease
 class MahaloTxnBasicLease
          TODO add Javadoc

Uses of Lease in com.sun.jini.reggie

Classes in com.sun.jini.reggie that implement Lease
 class ConstrainableEventLease
          EventLease subclass that supports constraints.
 class EventLease
          When a registrar (lookup service) grants a lease on an event registration on behalf of some object (client), a proxy is employed to allow the client to interact with the lease; this class is the implementation of that proxy.

Methods in com.sun.jini.reggie with parameters of type Lease
 boolean ConstrainableEventLease.canBatch(Lease lease)
          Two leases can be batched if they are both RegistrarLeases, share the same server, and have compatible constraints.

Uses of Lease in net.jini.core.event

Fields in net.jini.core.event declared as Lease
protected  Lease
          The registration lease.

Methods in net.jini.core.event that return Lease
 Lease EventRegistration.getLease()
          Returns the Lease object for this registration.

Constructors in net.jini.core.event with parameters of type Lease
EventRegistration(long eventID, Object source, Lease lease, long seqNum)
          Constructs an EventRegistration object.

Uses of Lease in

Methods in with parameters of type Lease
 boolean Lease.canBatch(Lease lease)
          Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the lease given as a parameter can be batched (placed in the same LeaseMap) with the current lease.

Uses of Lease in net.jini.core.lookup

Methods in net.jini.core.lookup that return Lease
 Lease ServiceRegistration.getLease()
          Returns the lease that controls the service registration, allowing the lease to be renewed or cancelled.

Constructors in net.jini.core.lookup with parameters of type Lease
RegistrarEventRegistration(long eventID, Object source, Lease lease, long seqNum, ServiceMatchesWrapper matches)

Uses of Lease in net.jini.core.transaction

Subinterfaces of Lease in net.jini.core.transaction
 interface ITransactionLease
          TODO add Javadoc

Fields in net.jini.core.transaction declared as Lease
          The lease.
          The lease.

Constructors in net.jini.core.transaction with parameters of type Lease
NestableTransaction.Created(NestableTransaction transaction, Lease lease)
          Simple constructor.
Transaction.Created(Transaction transaction, Lease lease)
          Simple constructor.

Uses of Lease in net.jini.core.transaction.server

Fields in net.jini.core.transaction.server declared as Lease
          The lease.

Constructors in net.jini.core.transaction.server with parameters of type Lease
TransactionManager.Created(long id, Lease lease)
          Simple constructor.

Uses of Lease in net.jini.discovery

Methods in net.jini.discovery that return Lease
 Lease LookupDiscoveryRegistration.getLease()
          Returns the Lease object that controls a client's registration with the lookup discovery service.

Uses of Lease in net.jini.event

Methods in net.jini.event that return Lease
 Lease MailboxRegistration.getLease()
          Returns the Lease object associated with this registration.

Uses of Lease in

Methods in that return Lease
 Lease LeaseRenewalEvent.getLease()
          Returns a reference to the lease to which the event pertains.
abstract  Lease RenewalFailureEvent.getLease()
          Returns the lease that could not be renewed.
 Lease[] LeaseRenewalSet.getLeases()
          Returns all the leases currently in the set.
 Lease[] LeaseUnmarshalException.getLeases()
          Accessor method that returns an array consisting of instances of Lease, where each element of the array corresponds to a successfully unmarshalled object.
 Lease ExpirationWarningEvent.getRenewalSetLease()
          Convenience method to retrieve the Lease associated with the source of this event.
 Lease LeaseRenewalSet.getRenewalSetLease()
          Returns the lease that controls the lifetime of this set.
 Lease LeaseRenewalSet.remove(Lease leaseToRemove)
          Removes the specified lease from set.

Methods in with parameters of type Lease
 void LeaseRenewalManager.cancel(Lease lease)
          Removes a given lease from the managed set, and cancels it.
 long LeaseRenewalManager.getExpiration(Lease lease)
          Returns the current desired expiration time associated with a particular lease, (not the actual expiration that was granted when the lease was created or last renewed).
 void LeaseRenewalManager.remove(Lease lease)
          Removes a given lease from the managed set of leases; but does not cancel the given lease.
 Lease LeaseRenewalSet.remove(Lease leaseToRemove)
          Removes the specified lease from set.
 void LeaseRenewalSet.renewFor(Lease leaseToRenew, long desiredDuration)
          Include a client lease in the set for a specified duration.
 void LeaseRenewalManager.renewFor(Lease lease, long desiredDuration, LeaseListener listener)
          Include a lease in the managed set for a specified duration.
 void LeaseRenewalSet.renewFor(Lease leaseToRenew, long desiredDuration, long renewDuration)
          Include a client lease in the set for a specified duration and with a specified renewal duration.
 void LeaseRenewalManager.renewFor(Lease lease, long desiredDuration, long renewDuration, LeaseListener listener)
          Include a lease in the managed set for a specified duration and with specified renewal duration.
 void LeaseRenewalManager.renewUntil(Lease lease, long desiredExpiration, LeaseListener listener)
          Include a lease in the managed set until a specified time.
 void LeaseRenewalManager.renewUntil(Lease lease, long desiredExpiration, long renewDuration, LeaseListener listener)
          Include a lease in the managed set until a specified time and with a specified renewal duration.
 void LeaseRenewalManager.setExpiration(Lease lease, long expiration)
          Replaces the current desired expiration of a given lease from the managed set with a new desired expiration time.

Constructors in with parameters of type Lease
LeaseRenewalEvent(LeaseRenewalManager source, Lease lease, long expiration, Throwable ex)
          Constructs an instance of this class with the specified state.
LeaseRenewalManager(Lease lease, long desiredExpiration, LeaseListener listener)
          Constructs an instance of this class that will initially manage a single lease.
LeaseUnmarshalException(Lease[] leases, MarshalledObject[] marshalledLeases, Throwable[] exceptions)
          Constructs a new instance of LeaseUnmarshalException.
LeaseUnmarshalException(String message, Lease[] leases, MarshalledObject[] marshalledLeases, Throwable[] exceptions)
          Constructs a new instance of LeaseUnmarshalException with a specified message.

Uses of Lease in

Methods in that return Lease
 Lease MatchSet.getLease()
          Returns a proxy to the Lease associated with this match set, or null if this match set is not leased.
 Lease JavaSpace.write(Entry entry, Transaction txn, long lease)
          Write a new entry into the space.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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