GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServiceRegistrar
com.sun.jini.discovery Provides a set of constraints, low-level utility classes, and provider interfaces for participating in versions 1 and 2 of the multicast request, multicast announcement, and unicast discovery protocols. 
net.jini.core.discovery A standard utility class for finding particular lookup services. 
net.jini.discovery These are utility classes and interfaces that conform to the discovery and join protocol defined in the Jini(TM) Discovery and Join Specification
net.jini.lookup Standard utility classes for managing the join state of a service and the service discovery duties of a client or service. 

Uses of ServiceRegistrar in com.sun.jini.discovery

Fields in com.sun.jini.discovery declared as ServiceRegistrar
protected  ServiceRegistrar UnicastResponse.registrar
          The lookup service proxy.

Methods in com.sun.jini.discovery that return ServiceRegistrar
 ServiceRegistrar UnicastResponse.getRegistrar()
          Returns the lookup service proxy.

Constructors in com.sun.jini.discovery with parameters of type ServiceRegistrar
UnicastResponse(String host, int port, String[] groups, ServiceRegistrar registrar)
          Creates new UnicastResponse instance containing the given values.
UnicastResponse(String host, int port, String[] groups, ServiceRegistrar registrar, MarshalledObject marshalledObjectRegistrar, byte[] registrarBytes)

Uses of ServiceRegistrar in net.jini.core.discovery

Methods in net.jini.core.discovery that return ServiceRegistrar
 ServiceRegistrar LookupLocator.getRegistrar()
          Perform unicast discovery and return the ServiceRegistrar object for the given lookup service.
 ServiceRegistrar LookupLocator.getRegistrar(int timeout)
          Perform unicast discovery and return the ServiceRegistrar object for the given lookup service, with the given discovery timeout.

Uses of ServiceRegistrar in net.jini.discovery

Fields in net.jini.discovery declared as ServiceRegistrar
protected  ServiceRegistrar IncomingUnicastResponse.registrar
          The registrar we have discovered.
protected  ServiceRegistrar[] DiscoveryEvent.regs
          The registrars with which this event is associated.
protected  ServiceRegistrar[] RemoteDiscoveryEvent.regs
          Array containing a subset of the set of proxies to the lookup service(s) with which this event is associated.

Methods in net.jini.discovery that return ServiceRegistrar
 ServiceRegistrar ConstrainableLookupLocator.getRegistrar()
          Performs unicast discovery as specified by LookupLocator.getRegistrar() with the following differences.
 ServiceRegistrar IncomingUnicastResponse.getRegistrar()
          Return the lookup service registrar we have discovered.
 ServiceRegistrar ConstrainableLookupLocator.getRegistrar(int timeout)
          Performs unicast discovery as specified by LookupLocator.getRegistrar(int), additionally applying the supplied discovery constraints.
 ServiceRegistrar[] DiscoveryEvent.getRegistrars()
          Return the set of registrars to which this event applies.
 ServiceRegistrar[] DiscoveryManagement.getRegistrars()
          Returns an array of instances of ServiceRegistrar, each corresponding to a proxy to one of the currently discovered lookup services.
 ServiceRegistrar[] LookupDiscovery.getRegistrars()
          Returns an array of instances of ServiceRegistrar, each corresponding to a proxy to one of the currently discovered lookup services.
 ServiceRegistrar[] LookupDiscoveryManager.getRegistrars()
          Returns an array of instances of ServiceRegistrar, each corresponding to a proxy to one of the currently discovered lookup services.
 ServiceRegistrar[] LookupDiscoveryRegistration.getRegistrars()
          Returns an array consisting of instances of the ServiceRegistrar interface.
 ServiceRegistrar[] LookupLocatorDiscovery.getRegistrars()
          Returns an array of instances of ServiceRegistrar, each corresponding to a proxy to one of the currently discovered lookup services.
 ServiceRegistrar[] LookupUnmarshalException.getRegistrars()
          Accessor method that returns an array consisting of instances of ServiceRegistrar, where each element of the array corresponds to a successfully unmarshalled object.
 ServiceRegistrar[] RemoteDiscoveryEvent.getRegistrars()
          Returns an array consisting of instances of the ServiceRegistrar interface.

Methods in net.jini.discovery with parameters of type ServiceRegistrar
 void DiscoveryManagement.discard(ServiceRegistrar proxy)
          Removes an instance of ServiceRegistrar from the managed set of lookup services, making the corresponding lookup service eligible for re-discovery.
 void LookupDiscovery.discard(ServiceRegistrar reg)
          Discard a registrar from the set of registrars already discovered.
 void LookupDiscoveryManager.discard(ServiceRegistrar proxy)
          Removes an instance of ServiceRegistrar from the managed set of lookup services, making the corresponding lookup service eligible for re-discovery.
 void LookupDiscoveryRegistration.discard(ServiceRegistrar registrar)
          Informs the lookup discovery service of the existence of an unavailable lookup service and requests that the lookup discovery service discard the unavailable lookup service.
 void LookupLocatorDiscovery.discard(ServiceRegistrar proxy)
          Removes an instance of ServiceRegistrar from the managed set of lookup services, making the corresponding lookup service eligible for re-discovery.
 int LookupDiscoveryManager.getFrom(ServiceRegistrar proxy)
          Return where the proxy come from.
static void OutgoingUnicastResponse.marshal(OutputStream str, ServiceRegistrar reg, String[] groups)
          Marshal a unicast response to the given output stream.

Constructors in net.jini.discovery with parameters of type ServiceRegistrar
DiscoveryEvent(Object source, ServiceRegistrar[] regs)
          Construct a new DiscoveryEvent object, with the given source and set of registrars.
LookupUnmarshalException(ServiceRegistrar[] registrars, MarshalledObject[] marshalledRegistrars, Throwable[] exceptions)
          Constructs a new instance of LookupUnmarshalException.
LookupUnmarshalException(ServiceRegistrar[] registrars, MarshalledObject[] marshalledRegistrars, Throwable[] exceptions, String message)
          Constructs a new instance of LookupUnmarshalException.

Uses of ServiceRegistrar in net.jini.lookup

Methods in net.jini.lookup that return ServiceRegistrar
 ServiceRegistrar[] JoinManager.getJoinSet()
          Returns an array of ServiceRegistrar objects, each corresponding to a lookup service with which the service is currently registered (joined).

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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