GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use MachineAware
org.openspaces.admin Entry point for Admin API, allowing to use AdminFactory in order to create an Admin instance. 
org.openspaces.admin.esm Support for managing of Elastic Service Manager(s) through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.admin.gsa Support for managing of Grid Service Agent(s) through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.admin.gsc Support for managing of Grid Service Container(s) through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.admin.gsm Support for managing of Grid Service Manager(s) through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.admin.lus Support for managing of Lookup Service(s) through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.admin.pu Support for managing of Processing Unit(s) through the Admin API. Support for managing of Space(s) through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.admin.vm Support for managing of Virtual Machine(s) through the Admin API. 

Uses of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin

Subinterfaces of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin
 interface AgentGridComponent
          An Agent grid component is a GridComponent that can be started by a GridServiceAgent.
 interface GridComponent
          Grid Component is an element that can provide information on the machine it is running one, the transport it uses, the Operating system it is running on, and the virtual machine that started it.
 interface LogProviderGridComponent
          A grid component that can provide the ability to extract logging information.

Uses of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.esm

Subinterfaces of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.esm
 interface ElasticServiceManager
          The base Elastic Service Manager interface for deploying an elastic data-grid service.

Uses of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.gateway

Subinterfaces of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.gateway
 interface GatewayProcessingUnit
          A Gateway Processing unit is the building block of a Gateway.

Uses of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.gsa

Subinterfaces of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.gsa
 interface GridServiceAgent
          A Grid Service Agent is a process manager allowing to start and stop (on the operating system process level) processes (such as GridServiceManager, GridServiceContainer and LookupService.

Uses of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.gsc

Subinterfaces of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.gsc
 interface GridServiceContainer
          A Grid Service Container is a container for ProcessingUnitInstances allocated to it through the GridServiceManager that manages it.

Uses of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.gsm

Subinterfaces of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.gsm
 interface GridServiceManager
          A Grid Service Manager is a manager for ProcessingUnit deployments (acting either as primary or backups for a certain processing unit deployment).

Uses of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.lus

Subinterfaces of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.lus
 interface LookupService
          A lookup service acts a lookup server where different grid components register and maintain a lease against.

Uses of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.pu

Subinterfaces of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.pu
 interface ProcessingUnitInstance
          A processing unit instance is an actual running instance of a processing unit.

Uses of MachineAware in

Subinterfaces of MachineAware in
 interface SpaceInstance
          A Space Instance is a single instance of a space running as a part of a Space.

Uses of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.vm

Subinterfaces of MachineAware in org.openspaces.admin.vm
 interface VirtualMachine
          A virtual machine is a JVM that runs grid components.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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