GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SpaceInstance
org.openspaces.admin.machine Support for managing of Machine(s) through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.admin.pu Support for managing of Processing Unit(s) through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.admin.samples Support for managing of Space(s) through the Admin API. Support for managing of Space events through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.admin.vm Support for managing of Virtual Machine(s) through the Admin API. Support for managing of Zone(s) through the Admin API. 

Uses of SpaceInstance in org.openspaces.admin.machine

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.machine that return SpaceInstance
 SpaceInstance[] Machine.getSpaceInstances()
          Returns all the space instances running on the machine.

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.machine with parameters of type SpaceInstance
 boolean Machine.contains(SpaceInstance spaceInstance)
          Returns true if the machine contains the provided space instance.

Uses of SpaceInstance in org.openspaces.admin.pu

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.pu that return SpaceInstance
 SpaceInstance ProcessingUnitInstance.getSpaceInstance()
          Returns a space instance that was started within the processing unit instance.
 SpaceInstance[] ProcessingUnitInstance.getSpaceInstances()
          Returns all the space instances that were started within the processing unit instance.
 SpaceInstance ProcessingUnitInstance.waitForSpaceInstance()
 SpaceInstance ProcessingUnitInstance.waitForSpaceInstance(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)

Uses of SpaceInstance in org.openspaces.admin.samples

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.samples with parameters of type SpaceInstance
 void TestEventSampler.spaceInstanceAdded(SpaceInstance spaceInstance)
 void TestEventSampler.spaceInstanceRemoved(SpaceInstance spaceInstance)

Uses of SpaceInstance in

Methods in that return SpaceInstance
 SpaceInstance SpacePartition.getBackup()
          Returns the (first) backup space instance, null if currently there is no backup.
 SpaceInstance[] Space.getInstances()
          Returns all the space instances that are currently discovered that are part of this Space topology.
 SpaceInstance[] SpacePartition.getInstances()
          Returns all the space instances that form the partition.
 SpaceInstance SpacePartition.getPrimary()
          Returns the primary space instance, null if currently there is no primary.

Uses of SpaceInstance in

Methods in that return SpaceInstance
 SpaceInstance ReplicationStatusChangedEvent.getSpaceInstance()
          The Space Instance that replicates to a replication target.
 SpaceInstance SpaceModeChangedEvent.getSpaceInstance()
          Returns the Space Instance that space mode changed for.
 SpaceInstance SpaceInstanceStatisticsChangedEvent.getSpaceInstance()
          Returns the Space Instance associated with this event.

Methods in with parameters of type SpaceInstance
 void SpaceInstanceAddedEventListener.spaceInstanceAdded(SpaceInstance spaceInstance)
          A callback indicating that a Space Instance was added.
 void SpaceInstanceRemovedEventListener.spaceInstanceRemoved(SpaceInstance spaceInstance)
          A callback indicating that a Space Instance was removed.

Constructors in with parameters of type SpaceInstance
ReplicationStatusChangedEvent(SpaceInstance spaceInstance, ReplicationTarget replicationTarget, ReplicationStatus previousStatus, ReplicationStatus newStatus)
SpaceInstanceStatisticsChangedEvent(SpaceInstance spaceInstance, SpaceInstanceStatistics statistics)
SpaceModeChangedEvent(SpaceInstance spaceInstance, com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.SpaceMode previousSpaceMode, com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.SpaceMode newSpaceMode)

Uses of SpaceInstance in org.openspaces.admin.vm

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.vm that return SpaceInstance
 SpaceInstance[] VirtualMachine.getSpaceInstances()
          Returns the space instances started within this virtual machine.

Uses of SpaceInstance in

Methods in that return SpaceInstance
 SpaceInstance[] Zone.getSpaceInstances()
          Returns all the space instances running within the zone.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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