GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IJSpace Provides GigaSpaces events related interfaces. 
com.j_spaces.core Provides Space properties and security context services 
com.j_spaces.core.admin Provides GigaSpaces administration services 
com.j_spaces.core.client Provides GigaSpaces client interface services 
com.j_spaces.core.cluster Provides GigaSpaces cluster plug-in interfaces 
com.j_spaces.core.filters Provides GigaSpaces filter plug-in interfaces. Provides GigaSpaces MAP API 
org.openspaces.core Top level core package holding main OpenSpaces API for Space (GigaSpace) and Map (GigaMap) and the ability to create it. A package including factory beans to create GigaSpaces IMap or JCache Cache based on an IJSpace instance. This package is responsible for simplifying the creation of IJSpace implementation. A package allowing for simpler creation of Local Cache and Local View (expose an IJSpace) based on an actual IJSpace instance (usually created using the package). A package allowing to simplify the injection of an actual ISpaceFilter instance during Space creation. A package exposing Space mode (primary/backup) events through Spring application event support. 
org.openspaces.core.transaction A package exposing the ability to get a GigaSpaces/Jini current transaction (integrating with Spring transaction management). 
org.openspaces.core.transaction.manager Jini and Local transaction managers using Spring abstraction for transaction managers (PlatformTransactionManager). 
org.openspaces.core.util A package including utility classes for OpenSpaces core. 
org.openspaces.jdbc.datasource Implementations of Jdbc DataSource interface using GigaSpaces support for Jdbc based on an actual IJSpace or GigaSpace implementation. 
org.openspaces.jpa Holds OpenSpaces JPA implementations. 
org.openspaces.jpa.openjpa Holds OpenSpaces OpenJPA extensions. 
org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid A Service Grid based processing unit container. 

Uses of IJSpace in

Methods in that return IJSpace
 IJSpace EventSession.getSpace()

Methods in with parameters of type IJSpace
static EventSessionFactory EventSessionFactory.getFactory(IJSpace space)
          Retrieves the EventSessionFactory according to the space.
static DataEventSession EventSessionFactory.newDataSession(IJSpace space)
          creates a new DataEventSession using the specified space and default configuration.
static DataEventSession EventSessionFactory.newDataSession(IJSpace space, EventSessionConfig config)
          creates a new DataEventSession using the specified space and configuration.
static DataEventSession EventSessionFactory.newDataSession(IJSpace space, Transaction tx, String schemaName)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0.4 - Event sessions with transactions are deprecated - use EventSessionFactory.newDataSession(IJSpace, EventSessionConfig) instead.

Uses of IJSpace in com.j_spaces.core

Methods in com.j_spaces.core that return IJSpace
 IJSpace IJSpaceContainer.createSpace(String spaceName, com.j_spaces.core.JSpaceAttributes spaceAttr)
 IJSpace IJSpaceContainer.getClusteredSpace(String spaceName)
 IJSpace IJSpaceContainer.getClusteredSpace(String spaceName, boolean embedded)
          Deprecated. Use instead: IJSpaceContainer.getClusteredSpace(String)
 IJSpace IJSpaceContainer.getSpace(String spaceName)
 IJSpace IJSpaceContainer.getSpace(String spaceName, boolean embedded)
          Deprecated. Use instead: IJSpaceContainer.getSpace(String)

Methods in com.j_spaces.core with parameters of type IJSpace
 ExternalEntry IGSEntry.getExternalEntry(IJSpace space)
          Convert to Entry object or ExternalEntry.
 Object IGSEntry.getObject(IJSpace space)
          Converts to object.

Uses of IJSpace in com.j_spaces.core.admin

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.admin with parameters of type IJSpace
 SpaceCopyStatus IRemoteJSpaceAdmin.spaceCopy(IJSpace remoteSpace, Object template, boolean includeNotifyTemplates, int chunkSize)

Uses of IJSpace in com.j_spaces.core.client

Fields in com.j_spaces.core.client declared as IJSpace
protected  IJSpace EntryArrivedRemoteEvent._spaceProxy
          keep the local ref, incase the notify delegator listener was constructed as listener.

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client that return IJSpace
 IJSpace NotifyDelegator.getSpace()
          Deprecated. Returns space proxy or null if NotifyDelegator was constructed as listener, not via constructor with spaceProxy as parameter.
 IJSpace NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer.getSpace()
          Deprecated. Returns space proxy or null if NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer was constructed as listener, not via constructor with spaceProxy as parameter.

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client with parameters of type IJSpace
 Entry ExternalEntry.getEntry(IJSpace space)
 ExternalEntry ExternalEntry.getExternalEntry(IJSpace space)
          Deprecated. Convert to Entry object or ExternalEntry.
static TransactionManager LocalTransactionManager.getInstance(IJSpace space)
          Deprecated. Returns single instance of LocalTransactionManager per space.
 Object ExternalEntry.getObject(IJSpace space)
          Deprecated. Converts to object.
 void INotifyDelegatorFilter.init(IJSpace space, Object notifyTemplate)
          Called inside of server on Notify Filter init.
 void SpaceURL.setPropertiesForSpaceProxy(IJSpace spaceProxy)
          Deprecated. Set SpaceURL properties for desired space proxy.
protected  void NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer.setSpace(IJSpace space)
          Deprecated. Set space proxy.
 void EntryArrivedRemoteEvent.setSpaceProxy(IJSpace spaceProxy)

Constructors in com.j_spaces.core.client with parameters of type IJSpace
EntryArrivedRemoteEvent(IJSpace source, long eventID, long seqNum, MarshalledObject handback, com.gigaspaces.internal.transport.IEntryPacket entryPacket, NotifyActionType notifyType, boolean fromReplication, String templateUID, com.gigaspaces.internal.client.QueryResultTypeInternal resultType)
          This constructor is reserved for internal usage only.
GSIterator(IJSpace spaceProxy, Collection<?> templates)
          Equivalent to calling GSIterator.GSIterator(IJSpace, Collection, com.gigaspaces.client.iterator.GSIteratorConfig).
GSIterator(IJSpace spaceProxy, Collection<?> templates, GSIteratorConfig config)
          Constructs an iterator over a space using a collection of entity instances to be incrementally returned.
GSIterator(IJSpace spaceProxy, Collection<?> templates, int bufferSize, boolean withHistory, long leaseDuration)
          Deprecated. Use GSIterator.GSIterator(IJSpace, Collection, GSIteratorConfig) instead.
NotifyDelegator(IJSpace space, Object template, Transaction txn, long lease, info)
          Deprecated. Creates a new delegator that can receive ordered notifications.
NotifyDelegator(IJSpace space, Object template, Transaction txn, RemoteEventListener listener, long lease, MarshalledObject handback, boolean fifoEnabled, int notifyMask)
          Deprecated. Creates a new delegator that can receive ordered notifications.
NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer(IJSpace space)
          Deprecated. This constructor is called by NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer Manager.
NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer(IJSpace space, Entry template, Transaction txn, long lease, info)
NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer(IJSpace space, Entry template, Transaction txn, RemoteEventListener listener, long lease, MarshalledObject handback, boolean fifoEnabled, int notifyMask)
          Deprecated.  Creates a new delegator that can receive notifications.
XAResourceImpl(IJSpace proxy)
XAResourceImpl(LocalTransactionManager txnManger, IJSpace proxy)
          Deprecated. since 8.0 use XAResourceImpl.XAResourceImpl(IJSpace) instead
XAResourceImpl(TransactionManager txnManger, IJSpace proxy)

Uses of IJSpace in com.j_spaces.core.cluster

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.cluster with parameters of type IJSpace
 void IReplicationFilter.init(IJSpace space, String paramUrl, ReplicationPolicy replicationPolicy)
          Initializes this filter.

Uses of IJSpace in com.j_spaces.core.filters

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.filters with parameters of type IJSpace
 void ISpaceFilter.init(IJSpace space, String filterId, String url, int priority)
          Initializes this filter.

Uses of IJSpace in

Methods in that return IJSpace
 IJSpace IMap.getLocalSpace()
          Returns the Local Space proxy if exists.
 IJSpace IMap.getMasterSpace()
          Returns the Master Space proxy.

Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.core

Methods in org.openspaces.core that return IJSpace
 IJSpace DefaultGigaSpace.getSpace()
 IJSpace GigaSpace.getSpace()
          Returns the IJSpace used by this GigaSpace implementation to delegate different space operations.

Methods in org.openspaces.core with parameters of type IJSpace
 void GigaSpaceFactoryBean.setSpace(IJSpace space)
          Sets the space that will be used by the created GigaSpace.

Constructors in org.openspaces.core with parameters of type IJSpace
DefaultGigaSpace(IJSpace space, TransactionProvider txProvider, ExceptionTranslator exTranslator, int defaultIsolationLevel)
          Constructs a new DefaultGigaSpace implementation.
GigaSpaceConfigurer(IJSpace space)
          Constructs a new configurer based on the Space.

Uses of IJSpace in

Methods in that return IJSpace
protected  IJSpace MapFactoryBean.getSpace()

Methods in with parameters of type IJSpace
 void MapFactoryBean.setSpace(IJSpace space)
          Sets the Space the Map will be built on top.

Constructors in with parameters of type IJSpace
MapConfigurer(IJSpace space)

Uses of IJSpace in

Methods in that return IJSpace
 IJSpace UrlSpaceConfigurer.create()
          Creates or finds (if not already created) a new Space by calling AbstractSpaceFactoryBean.afterPropertiesSet().
protected abstract  IJSpace AbstractSpaceFactoryBean.doCreateSpace()
          Responsible for creating/finding the actual IJSpace implementation.
protected  IJSpace UrlSpaceFactoryBean.doCreateSpace()
          Creates the space by calling UrlSpaceFactoryBean.doGetSpaceUrls() and then using the returned SpaceURL a space is found using SpaceFinder.find(SpaceURL).
protected  IJSpace DirectSpaceFactoryBean.doCreateSpace()
          Returns the space provided in the constructor.
          Creates or finds (if not already created) a new Space by calling AbstractSpaceFactoryBean.afterPropertiesSet().

Methods in that return types with arguments of type IJSpace
 Class<? extends IJSpace> AbstractSpaceFactoryBean.getObjectType()
          Returns the object type of the factory bean.

Constructors in with parameters of type IJSpace
DirectSpaceFactoryBean(IJSpace space)
          Constucts a new direct space factory using the provided space.
SpaceServiceDetails(IJSpace space)
SpaceServiceDetails(String id, IJSpace space)

Uses of IJSpace in

Methods in that return IJSpace
 IJSpace LocalCacheSpaceConfigurer.create()
          Creates and returns a local cache according to the configured settings.
 IJSpace LocalViewSpaceConfigurer.create()
          Creates and returns a local cache according to the configured settings.
protected abstract  IJSpace AbstractLocalCacheSpaceFactoryBean.createCache(com.gigaspaces.internal.client.spaceproxy.IDirectSpaceProxy remoteSpace)
protected  IJSpace LocalCacheSpaceFactoryBean.createCache(com.gigaspaces.internal.client.spaceproxy.IDirectSpaceProxy remoteSpace)
          Creates the local cache.
protected  IJSpace LocalViewSpaceFactoryBean.createCache(com.gigaspaces.internal.client.spaceproxy.IDirectSpaceProxy remoteSpace)
          Creates the local view
 IJSpace LocalCacheSpaceConfigurer.localCache()
 IJSpace LocalViewSpaceConfigurer.localView()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type IJSpace
 Class<? extends IJSpace> AbstractLocalCacheSpaceFactoryBean.getObjectType()
          Returns the type of the factory object.

Methods in with parameters of type IJSpace
 void AbstractLocalCacheSpaceFactoryBean.setSpace(IJSpace space)
          Sets the master space that a local cache will be built on top.

Constructors in with parameters of type IJSpace
LocalCacheSpaceConfigurer(IJSpace space)
LocalViewSpaceConfigurer(IJSpace space)

Uses of IJSpace in

Methods in with parameters of type IJSpace
 void FilterOperationDelegate.init(IJSpace space, String filterId, String url, int priority)
          If initMethod is supplied, will invoke it.

Uses of IJSpace in

Methods in that return IJSpace
 IJSpace AbstractSpaceModeChangeEvent.getSpace()
          Returns the space that initiated this event.

Constructors in with parameters of type IJSpace
AbstractSpaceModeChangeEvent(IJSpace space, com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.SpaceMode spaceMode)
          Creates a new Space mode event.
AfterSpaceModeChangeEvent(IJSpace space, com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.SpaceMode spaceMode)
          Creates a new after space mode event.
BeforeSpaceModeChangeEvent(IJSpace space, com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.SpaceMode spaceMode)
          Creates a new before space mode event.

Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.core.transaction

Methods in org.openspaces.core.transaction with parameters of type IJSpace
 Transaction.Created DefaultTransactionProvider.getCurrentTransaction(Object transactionalContext, IJSpace space)
          Returns the current running transaction based on the constructor provided transactional context (Note that the passed transactional context is not used).
 Transaction.Created TransactionProvider.getCurrentTransaction(Object transactionalContext, IJSpace space)
          Returns the currently running transaction (usually managed externally/declarative).

Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.core.transaction.manager

Methods in org.openspaces.core.transaction.manager with parameters of type IJSpace
 void LocalJiniTransactionManager.setSpace(IJSpace space)
          Sets the Space that will be used when working with the local transaction manager.

Constructors in org.openspaces.core.transaction.manager with parameters of type IJSpace
LocalJiniTxManagerConfigurer(IJSpace space)

Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.core.util

Methods in org.openspaces.core.util that return IJSpace
static IJSpace SpaceUtils.getClusterMemberSpace(IJSpace space)
          Returns a proxy space to the specified space name.

Methods in org.openspaces.core.util with parameters of type IJSpace
static IJSpace SpaceUtils.getClusterMemberSpace(IJSpace space)
          Returns a proxy space to the specified space name.
static boolean SpaceUtils.isRemoteProtocol(IJSpace space)
          Returns true if the Space uses a remote protocol.
static boolean SpaceUtils.isSameSpace(IJSpace space1, IJSpace space2)

Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.jdbc.datasource

Methods in org.openspaces.jdbc.datasource with parameters of type IJSpace
 void SpaceDriverManagerDataSource.setSpace(IJSpace space)
 void DbcpBasicDataSource.setSpace(IJSpace space)

Constructors in org.openspaces.jdbc.datasource with parameters of type IJSpace
SpaceDriverManagerDataSource(IJSpace space)

Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty

Fields in org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty declared as IJSpace
protected  IJSpace

Methods in org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty that return IJSpace
 IJSpace GigaSessionManager.getSpace()
 IJSpace GigaSessionIdManager.getSpace()

Methods in org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty with parameters of type IJSpace
 void GigaSessionManager.setSpace(IJSpace space)
 void GigaSessionIdManager.setSpace(IJSpace space)

Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.jpa

Methods in org.openspaces.jpa with parameters of type IJSpace
 javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory OpenSpacesPersistenceProvider.createEntityManagerFactory(String persistenceUnitName, IJSpace space)
          Creates an EntityManagerFactory instance and injects the provided space instance to it.
 javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory OpenSpacesPersistenceProvider.createEntityManagerFactory(String persistenceUnitName, IJSpace space, Map properties)
          Creates an EntityManagerFactory instance and injects the provided space instance to it.
 void OpenSpacesJpaVendorAdapter.setSpace(IJSpace space)
 void OpenSpacesPersistenceProvider.setSpace(IJSpace space)
          Sets the space instance which will be injected to the EntityManagerFactory instance.

Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.jpa.openjpa

Methods in org.openspaces.jpa.openjpa that return IJSpace
 IJSpace SpaceConfiguration.getSpace()

Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid

Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid that return IJSpace
 IJSpace PUServiceBeanProxy.getSpaceDirect(ServiceID serviceID)
 IJSpace PUServiceBeanImpl.getSpaceDirect(ServiceID serviceID)
 IJSpace PUServiceBean.getSpaceDirect(ServiceID serviceID)

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.