GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API | |||||||||
Packages that use IJSpace | |
com.gigaspaces.events | Provides GigaSpaces events related interfaces. |
com.j_spaces.core | Provides Space properties and security context services |
com.j_spaces.core.admin | Provides GigaSpaces administration services |
com.j_spaces.core.client | Provides GigaSpaces client interface services |
com.j_spaces.core.cluster | Provides GigaSpaces cluster plug-in interfaces |
com.j_spaces.core.filters | Provides GigaSpaces filter plug-in interfaces. |
com.j_spaces.map | Provides GigaSpaces MAP API |
org.openspaces.core | Top level core package holding main OpenSpaces API for Space (GigaSpace) and Map (GigaMap) and the ability to create it. |
org.openspaces.core.map | A package including factory beans to create GigaSpaces IMap or JCache Cache based on an IJSpace instance. |
org.openspaces.core.space | This package is responsible for simplifying the creation of IJSpace implementation. |
org.openspaces.core.space.cache | A package allowing for simpler creation of Local Cache and Local View (expose an IJSpace) based on an actual IJSpace instance (usually created using the core.space package). |
org.openspaces.core.space.filter | A package allowing to simplify the injection of an actual ISpaceFilter instance during Space creation. |
org.openspaces.core.space.mode | A package exposing Space mode (primary/backup) events through Spring application event support. |
org.openspaces.core.transaction | A package exposing the ability to get a GigaSpaces/Jini current transaction (integrating with Spring transaction management). |
org.openspaces.core.transaction.manager | Jini and Local transaction managers using Spring abstraction for transaction managers (PlatformTransactionManager). |
org.openspaces.core.util | A package including utility classes for OpenSpaces core. |
org.openspaces.jdbc.datasource | Implementations of Jdbc DataSource interface using GigaSpaces support for Jdbc based on an actual IJSpace or GigaSpace implementation. |
org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty | |
org.openspaces.jpa | Holds OpenSpaces JPA implementations. |
org.openspaces.jpa.openjpa | Holds OpenSpaces OpenJPA extensions. |
org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid | A Service Grid based processing unit container. |
Uses of IJSpace in com.gigaspaces.events |
Methods in com.gigaspaces.events that return IJSpace | |
IJSpace |
Methods in com.gigaspaces.events with parameters of type IJSpace | |
static EventSessionFactory |
EventSessionFactory.getFactory(IJSpace space)
Retrieves the EventSessionFactory according to the space. |
static DataEventSession |
EventSessionFactory.newDataSession(IJSpace space)
creates a new DataEventSession using the specified space and default configuration. |
static DataEventSession |
EventSessionFactory.newDataSession(IJSpace space,
EventSessionConfig config)
creates a new DataEventSession using the specified space and configuration. |
static DataEventSession |
EventSessionFactory.newDataSession(IJSpace space,
Transaction tx,
String schemaName)
Deprecated. Since 8.0.4 - Event sessions with transactions are deprecated - use EventSessionFactory.newDataSession(IJSpace, EventSessionConfig) instead. |
Uses of IJSpace in com.j_spaces.core |
Methods in com.j_spaces.core that return IJSpace | |
IJSpace |
IJSpaceContainer.createSpace(String spaceName,
com.j_spaces.core.JSpaceAttributes spaceAttr)
Deprecated. |
IJSpace |
IJSpaceContainer.getClusteredSpace(String spaceName)
Deprecated. |
IJSpace |
IJSpaceContainer.getClusteredSpace(String spaceName,
boolean embedded)
Deprecated. Use instead: IJSpaceContainer.getClusteredSpace(String) |
IJSpace |
IJSpaceContainer.getSpace(String spaceName)
Deprecated. |
IJSpace |
IJSpaceContainer.getSpace(String spaceName,
boolean embedded)
Deprecated. Use instead: IJSpaceContainer.getSpace(String) |
Methods in com.j_spaces.core with parameters of type IJSpace | |
ExternalEntry |
IGSEntry.getExternalEntry(IJSpace space)
Convert to Entry object or ExternalEntry. |
Object |
IGSEntry.getObject(IJSpace space)
Converts to object. |
Uses of IJSpace in com.j_spaces.core.admin |
Methods in com.j_spaces.core.admin with parameters of type IJSpace | |
SpaceCopyStatus |
IRemoteJSpaceAdmin.spaceCopy(IJSpace remoteSpace,
Object template,
boolean includeNotifyTemplates,
int chunkSize)
Uses of IJSpace in com.j_spaces.core.client |
Fields in com.j_spaces.core.client declared as IJSpace | |
protected IJSpace |
keep the local ref, incase the notify delegator listener was constructed as listener. |
Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client that return IJSpace | |
IJSpace |
Deprecated. Returns space proxy or null if NotifyDelegator was
constructed as listener, not via constructor with spaceProxy as parameter. |
IJSpace |
Deprecated. Returns space proxy or null if NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer was constructed as listener, not
via constructor with spaceProxy as parameter. |
Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client with parameters of type IJSpace | |
Entry |
ExternalEntry.getEntry(IJSpace space)
Deprecated. |
ExternalEntry |
ExternalEntry.getExternalEntry(IJSpace space)
Deprecated. Convert to Entry object or ExternalEntry. |
static TransactionManager |
LocalTransactionManager.getInstance(IJSpace space)
Deprecated. Returns single instance of LocalTransactionManager per space. |
Object |
ExternalEntry.getObject(IJSpace space)
Deprecated. Converts to object. |
void |
INotifyDelegatorFilter.init(IJSpace space,
Object notifyTemplate)
Called inside of server on Notify Filter init. |
void |
SpaceURL.setPropertiesForSpaceProxy(IJSpace spaceProxy)
Deprecated. Set SpaceURL properties for desired space proxy. |
protected void |
NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer.setSpace(IJSpace space)
Deprecated. Set space proxy. |
void |
EntryArrivedRemoteEvent.setSpaceProxy(IJSpace spaceProxy)
Constructors in com.j_spaces.core.client with parameters of type IJSpace | |
EntryArrivedRemoteEvent(IJSpace source,
long eventID,
long seqNum,
MarshalledObject handback,
com.gigaspaces.internal.transport.IEntryPacket entryPacket,
NotifyActionType notifyType,
boolean fromReplication,
String templateUID,
com.gigaspaces.internal.client.QueryResultTypeInternal resultType)
This constructor is reserved for internal usage only. |
GSIterator(IJSpace spaceProxy,
Collection<?> templates)
Equivalent to calling GSIterator.GSIterator(IJSpace, Collection, com.gigaspaces.client.iterator.GSIteratorConfig) . |
GSIterator(IJSpace spaceProxy,
Collection<?> templates,
GSIteratorConfig config)
Constructs an iterator over a space using a collection of entity instances to be incrementally returned. |
GSIterator(IJSpace spaceProxy,
Collection<?> templates,
int bufferSize,
boolean withHistory,
long leaseDuration)
Deprecated. Use GSIterator.GSIterator(IJSpace, Collection, GSIteratorConfig) instead. |
NotifyDelegator(IJSpace space,
Object template,
Transaction txn,
long lease,
com.gigaspaces.events.NotifyInfo info)
Deprecated. Creates a new delegator that can receive ordered notifications. |
NotifyDelegator(IJSpace space,
Object template,
Transaction txn,
RemoteEventListener listener,
long lease,
MarshalledObject handback,
boolean fifoEnabled,
int notifyMask)
Deprecated. Creates a new delegator that can receive ordered notifications. |
NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer(IJSpace space)
Deprecated. This constructor is called by NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer Manager. |
NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer(IJSpace space,
Entry template,
Transaction txn,
long lease,
com.gigaspaces.events.NotifyInfo info)
Deprecated. |
NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer(IJSpace space,
Entry template,
Transaction txn,
RemoteEventListener listener,
long lease,
MarshalledObject handback,
boolean fifoEnabled,
int notifyMask)
Deprecated. Creates a new delegator that can receive notifications. |
XAResourceImpl(IJSpace proxy)
Ctor |
XAResourceImpl(LocalTransactionManager txnManger,
IJSpace proxy)
Deprecated. since 8.0 use XAResourceImpl.XAResourceImpl(IJSpace) instead |
XAResourceImpl(TransactionManager txnManger,
IJSpace proxy)
Ctor |
Uses of IJSpace in com.j_spaces.core.cluster |
Methods in com.j_spaces.core.cluster with parameters of type IJSpace | |
void |
IReplicationFilter.init(IJSpace space,
String paramUrl,
ReplicationPolicy replicationPolicy)
Initializes this filter. |
Uses of IJSpace in com.j_spaces.core.filters |
Methods in com.j_spaces.core.filters with parameters of type IJSpace | |
void |
ISpaceFilter.init(IJSpace space,
String filterId,
String url,
int priority)
Initializes this filter. |
Uses of IJSpace in com.j_spaces.map |
Methods in com.j_spaces.map that return IJSpace | |
IJSpace |
Returns the Local Space proxy if exists. |
IJSpace |
Returns the Master Space proxy. |
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.core |
Methods in org.openspaces.core that return IJSpace | |
IJSpace |
IJSpace |
Returns the IJSpace used by this GigaSpace implementation to delegate
different space operations. |
Methods in org.openspaces.core with parameters of type IJSpace | |
void |
GigaSpaceFactoryBean.setSpace(IJSpace space)
Sets the space that will be used by the created GigaSpace . |
Constructors in org.openspaces.core with parameters of type IJSpace | |
DefaultGigaSpace(IJSpace space,
TransactionProvider txProvider,
ExceptionTranslator exTranslator,
int defaultIsolationLevel)
Constructs a new DefaultGigaSpace implementation. |
GigaSpaceConfigurer(IJSpace space)
Constructs a new configurer based on the Space. |
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.core.map |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.map that return IJSpace | |
protected IJSpace |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.map with parameters of type IJSpace | |
void |
MapFactoryBean.setSpace(IJSpace space)
Sets the Space the Map will be built on top. |
Constructors in org.openspaces.core.map with parameters of type IJSpace | |
MapConfigurer(IJSpace space)
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.core.space |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.space that return IJSpace | |
IJSpace |
Creates or finds (if not already created) a new Space by calling AbstractSpaceFactoryBean.afterPropertiesSet() . |
protected abstract IJSpace |
Responsible for creating/finding the actual IJSpace implementation. |
protected IJSpace |
Creates the space by calling UrlSpaceFactoryBean.doGetSpaceUrls() and then using the returned
SpaceURL a space is found using SpaceFinder.find(SpaceURL) . |
protected IJSpace |
Returns the space provided in the constructor. |
IJSpace |
IJSpace |
Creates or finds (if not already created) a new Space by calling AbstractSpaceFactoryBean.afterPropertiesSet() . |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.space that return types with arguments of type IJSpace | |
Class<? extends IJSpace> |
Returns the object type of the factory bean. |
Constructors in org.openspaces.core.space with parameters of type IJSpace | |
DirectSpaceFactoryBean(IJSpace space)
Constucts a new direct space factory using the provided space. |
SpaceServiceDetails(IJSpace space)
SpaceServiceDetails(String id,
IJSpace space)
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.core.space.cache |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.space.cache that return IJSpace | |
IJSpace |
Creates and returns a local cache according to the configured settings. |
IJSpace |
Creates and returns a local cache according to the configured settings. |
protected abstract IJSpace |
AbstractLocalCacheSpaceFactoryBean.createCache(com.gigaspaces.internal.client.spaceproxy.IDirectSpaceProxy remoteSpace)
protected IJSpace |
LocalCacheSpaceFactoryBean.createCache(com.gigaspaces.internal.client.spaceproxy.IDirectSpaceProxy remoteSpace)
Creates the local cache. |
protected IJSpace |
LocalViewSpaceFactoryBean.createCache(com.gigaspaces.internal.client.spaceproxy.IDirectSpaceProxy remoteSpace)
Creates the local view |
IJSpace |
IJSpace |
IJSpace |
IJSpace |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.space.cache that return types with arguments of type IJSpace | |
Class<? extends IJSpace> |
Returns the type of the factory object. |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.space.cache with parameters of type IJSpace | |
void |
AbstractLocalCacheSpaceFactoryBean.setSpace(IJSpace space)
Sets the master space that a local cache will be built on top. |
Constructors in org.openspaces.core.space.cache with parameters of type IJSpace | |
LocalCacheSpaceConfigurer(IJSpace space)
LocalViewSpaceConfigurer(IJSpace space)
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.core.space.filter |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.space.filter with parameters of type IJSpace | |
void |
FilterOperationDelegate.init(IJSpace space,
String filterId,
String url,
int priority)
If initMethod is supplied, will invoke it. |
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.core.space.mode |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.space.mode that return IJSpace | |
IJSpace |
Returns the space that initiated this event. |
Constructors in org.openspaces.core.space.mode with parameters of type IJSpace | |
AbstractSpaceModeChangeEvent(IJSpace space,
com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.SpaceMode spaceMode)
Creates a new Space mode event. |
AfterSpaceModeChangeEvent(IJSpace space,
com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.SpaceMode spaceMode)
Creates a new after space mode event. |
BeforeSpaceModeChangeEvent(IJSpace space,
com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.SpaceMode spaceMode)
Creates a new before space mode event. |
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.core.transaction |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.transaction with parameters of type IJSpace | |
Transaction.Created |
DefaultTransactionProvider.getCurrentTransaction(Object transactionalContext,
IJSpace space)
Returns the current running transaction based on the constructor provided transactional context (Note that the passed transactional context is not used). |
Transaction.Created |
TransactionProvider.getCurrentTransaction(Object transactionalContext,
IJSpace space)
Returns the currently running transaction (usually managed externally/declarative). |
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.core.transaction.manager |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.transaction.manager with parameters of type IJSpace | |
void |
LocalJiniTransactionManager.setSpace(IJSpace space)
Sets the Space that will be used when working with the local transaction manager. |
Constructors in org.openspaces.core.transaction.manager with parameters of type IJSpace | |
LocalJiniTxManagerConfigurer(IJSpace space)
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.core.util |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.util that return IJSpace | |
static IJSpace |
SpaceUtils.getClusterMemberSpace(IJSpace space)
Returns a proxy space to the specified space name. |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.util with parameters of type IJSpace | |
static IJSpace |
SpaceUtils.getClusterMemberSpace(IJSpace space)
Returns a proxy space to the specified space name. |
static boolean |
SpaceUtils.isRemoteProtocol(IJSpace space)
Returns true if the Space uses a remote protocol. |
static boolean |
SpaceUtils.isSameSpace(IJSpace space1,
IJSpace space2)
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.jdbc.datasource |
Methods in org.openspaces.jdbc.datasource with parameters of type IJSpace | |
void |
SpaceDriverManagerDataSource.setSpace(IJSpace space)
void |
DbcpBasicDataSource.setSpace(IJSpace space)
Constructors in org.openspaces.jdbc.datasource with parameters of type IJSpace | |
SpaceDriverManagerDataSource(IJSpace space)
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty |
Fields in org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty declared as IJSpace | |
protected IJSpace |
Methods in org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty that return IJSpace | |
IJSpace |
IJSpace |
Methods in org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty with parameters of type IJSpace | |
void |
GigaSessionManager.setSpace(IJSpace space)
void |
GigaSessionIdManager.setSpace(IJSpace space)
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.jpa |
Methods in org.openspaces.jpa with parameters of type IJSpace | |
javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory |
OpenSpacesPersistenceProvider.createEntityManagerFactory(String persistenceUnitName,
IJSpace space)
Creates an EntityManagerFactory instance and injects the provided space instance to it. |
javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory |
OpenSpacesPersistenceProvider.createEntityManagerFactory(String persistenceUnitName,
IJSpace space,
Map properties)
Creates an EntityManagerFactory instance and injects the provided space instance to it. |
void |
OpenSpacesJpaVendorAdapter.setSpace(IJSpace space)
void |
OpenSpacesPersistenceProvider.setSpace(IJSpace space)
Sets the space instance which will be injected to the EntityManagerFactory instance. |
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.jpa.openjpa |
Methods in org.openspaces.jpa.openjpa that return IJSpace | |
IJSpace |
Uses of IJSpace in org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid |
Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid that return IJSpace | |
IJSpace |
PUServiceBeanProxy.getSpaceDirect(ServiceID serviceID)
IJSpace |
PUServiceBeanImpl.getSpaceDirect(ServiceID serviceID)
IJSpace |
PUServiceBean.getSpaceDirect(ServiceID serviceID)
GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API | |||||||||