GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Entry
com.j_spaces.core Provides Space properties and security context services 
com.j_spaces.core.client Provides GigaSpaces client interface services 
com.sun.jini.lookup.entry Helper utility classes for managing entries used as lookup service attributes. 
com.sun.jini.mahalo Provides implementations of the TransactionManager service. 
com.sun.jini.reggie Provides implementations of ServiceRegistrar
net.jini.admin These interfaces provide common ways to export particular administrative functionality. 
net.jini.core.entry The Entry interface and its associated UnusableEntryException are used by the lookup service to represent service-specific attributes and by the JavaSpace interface to mark entries. 
net.jini.core.lookup These are the lookup service interfaces and classes. 
net.jini.entry Provides classes that are useful when handling or implementing entries. 
net.jini.lookup Standard utility classes for managing the join state of a service and the service discovery duties of a client or service. 
net.jini.lookup.entry These are common entry classes for use as attributes in lookup services and their associated JavaBeans(TM) component wrapping classes. JavaSpaces(TM) servers provide a place on the network, a space, for clients to store and exchange objects. 
org.openspaces.remoting A package including OpenSpaces support for Sync and Async remoting inspired by other Spring remoting integrations. 

Uses of Entry in com.j_spaces.core

Methods in com.j_spaces.core that return Entry
 Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry IJSpace.readIfExists(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry[] IJSpace.readMultiple(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, int limit)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry[] IJSpace.readMultiple(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, int limit, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry[] IJSpace.takeMultiple(Entry template, Transaction txn, int limit)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry[] IJSpace.takeMultiple(Entry template, Transaction txn, int maxEntries, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry IJSpace.update(Entry updatedEntry, Transaction transaction, long lease, long timeout)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry IJSpace.update(Entry updatedEntry, Transaction transaction, long lease, long timeout, int updateModifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.

Methods in com.j_spaces.core with parameters of type Entry
 void IJSpace.clear(Entry template, Transaction txn)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 int IJSpace.clear(Entry template, Transaction txn, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 int IJSpace.count(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 int IJSpace.count(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry IJSpace.readIfExists(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry[] IJSpace.readMultiple(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, int limit)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry[] IJSpace.readMultiple(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, int limit, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry[] IJSpace.takeMultiple(Entry template, Transaction txn, int limit)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry[] IJSpace.takeMultiple(Entry template, Transaction txn, int maxEntries, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry IJSpace.update(Entry updatedEntry, Transaction transaction, long lease, long timeout)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry IJSpace.update(Entry updatedEntry, Transaction transaction, long lease, long timeout, int updateModifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Object[] IJSpace.updateMultiple(Entry[] entries, Transaction transaction, long[] leases)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Object[] IJSpace.updateMultiple(Entry[] entries, Transaction transaction, long[] leases, int updateModifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Lease[] IJSpace.writeMultiple(Entry[] entries, Transaction txn, long lease)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.

Uses of Entry in com.j_spaces.core.client

Subinterfaces of Entry in com.j_spaces.core.client
 interface IReplicatable
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - This interface is no longer relevant since Entry usage in GigaSpaces has been deprecated. use SpaceClass instead.

Classes in com.j_spaces.core.client that implement Entry
 class ExternalEntry
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - This class has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions. For id-based queries, use the GigaSpace.readById/readByIds and related overloades. For extended matching, use SQLQuery. For weak-type entries, use SpaceDocument.
 class com.j_spaces.core.client.MetaDataEntry

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client that return Entry
 Entry EntryArrivedRemoteEvent.getEntry()
          Deprecated. use EntryArrivedRemoteEvent.getObject() instead.
 Entry SQLQuery.getEntry()
          Deprecated. Use SQLQuery with parameters instead of a template.
 Entry EntryArrivedRemoteEvent.getEntry(boolean getExternalEntry)
          Deprecated. use EntryArrivedRemoteEvent.getObject() or EntryArrivedRemoteEvent.getExternalEntry() instead.
 Entry ExternalEntry.getEntry(IJSpace space)

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client with parameters of type Entry NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer.notify(Entry template, Transaction txn, RemoteEventListener listener, long lease, MarshalledObject handback, boolean fifoEnabled, int notifyMask)
          Deprecated. Registers a notification with this space for the specified template.
 void SpaceURL.setLookupAttribute(String name, Entry attr)
 void SQLQuery.setTemplate(Entry entry)
          Deprecated. Use SQLQuery with parameters instead of a template.

Constructors in com.j_spaces.core.client with parameters of type Entry
NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer(IJSpace space, Entry template, Transaction txn, long lease, info)
NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer(IJSpace space, Entry template, Transaction txn, RemoteEventListener listener, long lease, MarshalledObject handback, boolean fifoEnabled, int notifyMask)
          Deprecated.  Creates a new delegator that can receive notifications.

Uses of Entry in com.sun.jini.lookup.entry

Classes in com.sun.jini.lookup.entry that implement Entry
 class BasicServiceType
          An implementation of ServiceType that uses ResourceBundles.

Methods in com.sun.jini.lookup.entry that return Entry
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.add(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] addAttrSets)
          Returns a new array containing the elements of the addAttrSets parameter (that are not duplicates of any of the elements already in the attrSets parameter) added to the elements of attrSets.
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.add(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] addAttrSets, boolean checkSC)
          Returns a new array containing the elements of the addAttrSets parameter (that are not duplicates of any of the elements already in the attrSets parameter) added to the elements of attrSets.
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.modify(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] attrSetTmpls, Entry[] modAttrSets)
          Returns a new array that contains copies of the attributes in the attrSets parameter, modified according to the contents of both the attrSetTmpls parameter and the modAttrSets parameter.
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.modify(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] attrSetTmpls, Entry[] modAttrSets, boolean checkSC)
          Returns a new array that contains copies of the attributes in the attrSets parameter, modified according to the contents of both the attrSetTmpls parameter and the modAttrSets parameter.

Methods in com.sun.jini.lookup.entry with parameters of type Entry
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.add(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] addAttrSets)
          Returns a new array containing the elements of the addAttrSets parameter (that are not duplicates of any of the elements already in the attrSets parameter) added to the elements of attrSets.
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.add(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] addAttrSets)
          Returns a new array containing the elements of the addAttrSets parameter (that are not duplicates of any of the elements already in the attrSets parameter) added to the elements of attrSets.
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.add(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] addAttrSets, boolean checkSC)
          Returns a new array containing the elements of the addAttrSets parameter (that are not duplicates of any of the elements already in the attrSets parameter) added to the elements of attrSets.
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.add(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] addAttrSets, boolean checkSC)
          Returns a new array containing the elements of the addAttrSets parameter (that are not duplicates of any of the elements already in the attrSets parameter) added to the elements of attrSets.
static void LookupAttributes.check(Entry[] attrs, boolean nullOK)
          Throws an IllegalArgumentException if any element of the array is not an instance of a valid Entry class (the class is not public, or does not have a no-arg constructor, or has primitive public non-static non-final fields).
static boolean LookupAttributes.equal(Entry[] attrSet1, Entry[] attrSet2)
          Tests that two Entry[] arrays are the same.
static boolean LookupAttributes.equal(Entry[] attrSet1, Entry[] attrSet2)
          Tests that two Entry[] arrays are the same.
static boolean LookupAttributes.equal(Entry e1, Entry e2)
          Test that two entries are the same type, with the same public fields.
static boolean LookupAttributes.matches(Entry tmpl, Entry e)
          Test if the parameter tmpl is the same class as, or a superclass of, the parameter e, and that every non-null public field of tmpl is the same as the corresponding field of e.
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.modify(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] attrSetTmpls, Entry[] modAttrSets)
          Returns a new array that contains copies of the attributes in the attrSets parameter, modified according to the contents of both the attrSetTmpls parameter and the modAttrSets parameter.
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.modify(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] attrSetTmpls, Entry[] modAttrSets)
          Returns a new array that contains copies of the attributes in the attrSets parameter, modified according to the contents of both the attrSetTmpls parameter and the modAttrSets parameter.
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.modify(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] attrSetTmpls, Entry[] modAttrSets)
          Returns a new array that contains copies of the attributes in the attrSets parameter, modified according to the contents of both the attrSetTmpls parameter and the modAttrSets parameter.
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.modify(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] attrSetTmpls, Entry[] modAttrSets, boolean checkSC)
          Returns a new array that contains copies of the attributes in the attrSets parameter, modified according to the contents of both the attrSetTmpls parameter and the modAttrSets parameter.
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.modify(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] attrSetTmpls, Entry[] modAttrSets, boolean checkSC)
          Returns a new array that contains copies of the attributes in the attrSets parameter, modified according to the contents of both the attrSetTmpls parameter and the modAttrSets parameter.
static Entry[] LookupAttributes.modify(Entry[] attrSets, Entry[] attrSetTmpls, Entry[] modAttrSets, boolean checkSC)
          Returns a new array that contains copies of the attributes in the attrSets parameter, modified according to the contents of both the attrSetTmpls parameter and the modAttrSets parameter.

Uses of Entry in com.sun.jini.mahalo

Methods in com.sun.jini.mahalo that return Entry
 Entry[] TxnManagerImpl.getLookupAttributes()

Methods in com.sun.jini.mahalo with parameters of type Entry
 void TxnManagerImpl.addLookupAttributes(Entry[] attrSets)
 void TxnManagerImpl.modifyLookupAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets)
 void TxnManagerImpl.modifyLookupAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets)

Uses of Entry in com.sun.jini.reggie

Methods in com.sun.jini.reggie that return Entry
 Entry EntryRep.get()
          Convert back to an Entry.
 Entry[] GigaRegistrar.getLookupAttributes()
static Entry[] EntryRep.toEntry(EntryRep[] reps)
          Converts an array of EntryRep to an array of Entry.

Methods in com.sun.jini.reggie with parameters of type Entry
 void GigaRegistrar.addLookupAttributes(Entry[] attrSets)
 void GigaRegistrar.modifyLookupAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets)
 void GigaRegistrar.modifyLookupAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets)
static EntryRep[] EntryRep.toEntryRep(Entry[] entries, boolean needCodebase)
          Converts an array of Entry to an array of EntryRep.

Constructors in com.sun.jini.reggie with parameters of type Entry
EntryRep(Entry entry)
          Converts an Entry to an EntryRep.

Uses of Entry in net.jini.admin

Methods in net.jini.admin that return Entry
 Entry[] JoinAdmin.getLookupAttributes()
          Get the current attribute sets for the service.

Methods in net.jini.admin with parameters of type Entry
 void JoinAdmin.addLookupAttributes(Entry[] attrSets)
          Add attribute sets for the service.
 void JoinAdmin.modifyLookupAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets)
          Modify the current attribute sets, using the same semantics as ServiceRegistration.modifyAttributes.
 void JoinAdmin.modifyLookupAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets)
          Modify the current attribute sets, using the same semantics as ServiceRegistration.modifyAttributes.

Uses of Entry in net.jini.core.entry

Fields in net.jini.core.entry declared as Entry
 Entry UnusableEntryException.partialEntry
          The partial entry.

Constructors in net.jini.core.entry with parameters of type Entry
UnusableEntryException(Entry partial, String[] badFields, Throwable[] exceptions)
          Create an exception for the given partial entry and vectors of bad field names/nested exception pairs.

Uses of Entry in net.jini.core.lookup

Fields in net.jini.core.lookup declared as Entry
 Entry[] ServiceItem.attributeSets
          Attribute sets.
 Entry[] ServiceTemplate.attributeSetTemplates
          Attribute set templates to match, or null.

Methods in net.jini.core.lookup with parameters of type Entry
 void ServiceRegistration.addAttributes(Entry[] attrSets)
          Adds the specified attribute sets (those that aren't duplicates of existing attribute sets) to the registered service item.
 void ServiceRegistration.modifyAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets)
          Modifies existing attribute sets.
 void ServiceRegistration.modifyAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets)
          Modifies existing attribute sets.
 void ServiceRegistration.setAttributes(Entry[] attrSets)
          Deletes all of the service item's existing attributes, and replaces them with the specified attribute sets.

Constructors in net.jini.core.lookup with parameters of type Entry
ServiceItem(ServiceID serviceID, Object service, Entry[] attrSets)
          Simple constructor.
ServiceTemplate(ServiceID serviceID, Class[] serviceTypes, Entry[] attrSetTemplates)
          Simple constructor.

Uses of Entry in net.jini.entry

Classes in net.jini.entry that implement Entry
 class AbstractEntry
          An abstract implementation of Entry that provides useful implementations of equals, hashCode, and toString.

Methods in net.jini.entry with parameters of type Entry
static boolean AbstractEntry.equals(Entry e1, Entry e2)
          Returns true if the two arguments are of the same class and for each entry field F, the arguments' values for F are either both null or the invocation of equals on one argument's value for F with the other argument's value for F as its parameter returns true.
static int AbstractEntry.hashCode(Entry entry)
          Returns zero XORed with the result of invoking hashCode on each of the argument's non-null entry fields.
static String AbstractEntry.toString(Entry entry)
          Returns a String representation of its argument that will contain the name of the argument's class and a representation of each of the argument's entry fields.

Uses of Entry in net.jini.lookup

Methods in net.jini.lookup that return Entry
 Entry[] JoinManager.getAttributes()
          Returns an array containing the set of attributes currently associated with the service.

Methods in net.jini.lookup with parameters of type Entry
 void JoinManager.addAttributes(Entry[] attrSets)
          Associates a new set of attributes with the service, in addition to the service's current set of attributes.
 void JoinManager.addAttributes(Entry[] attrSets, boolean checkSC)
          Associates a new set of attributes with the service, in addition to the service's current set of attributes.
 JoinManager.ModifyAttributesLatch JoinManager.addAttributes(Entry[] attrSets, boolean checkSC, JoinManager.ModifyAttributesLatchFactory latchFactory)
 void JoinManager.modifyAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets)
          Changes the service's current set of attributes using the same semantics as the modifyAttributes method of the ServiceRegistration class.
 void JoinManager.modifyAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets)
          Changes the service's current set of attributes using the same semantics as the modifyAttributes method of the ServiceRegistration class.
 void JoinManager.modifyAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets, boolean checkSC)
          Changes the service's current set of attributes using the same semantics as the modifyAttributes method of the ServiceRegistration class.
 void JoinManager.modifyAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets, boolean checkSC)
          Changes the service's current set of attributes using the same semantics as the modifyAttributes method of the ServiceRegistration class.
 JoinManager.ModifyAttributesLatch JoinManager.modifyAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets, boolean checkSC, JoinManager.ModifyAttributesLatchFactory latchFactory)
 JoinManager.ModifyAttributesLatch JoinManager.modifyAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, Entry[] attrSets, boolean checkSC, JoinManager.ModifyAttributesLatchFactory latchFactory)
 void JoinManager.replaceRegistration(Object serviceProxy, Entry[] attrSets)
          Registers a new reference to the service with all current and future discovered lookup services, applying semantics identical to the one-argument form of this method, except with respect to the registration of the given attribute sets.
 void JoinManager.setAttributes(Entry[] attrSets)
          Replaces the service's current set of attributes with a new set of attributes.
 JoinManager.ModifyAttributesLatch JoinManager.setAttributes(Entry[] attrSets, JoinManager.ModifyAttributesLatchFactory latchFactory)

Constructors in net.jini.lookup with parameters of type Entry
JoinManager(Object serviceProxy, Entry[] attrSets, ServiceID serviceID, DiscoveryManagement discoveryMgr, LeaseRenewalManager leaseMgr)
          Constructs an instance of this class that will register the service with all discovered lookup services, using the supplied ServiceID.
JoinManager(Object serviceProxy, Entry[] attrSets, ServiceID serviceID, DiscoveryManagement discoveryMgr, LeaseRenewalManager leaseMgr, Configuration config)
          Constructs an instance of this class, configured using the items retrieved through the given Configuration, that will register the service with all discovered lookup services, using the supplied ServiceID.
JoinManager(Object serviceProxy, Entry[] attrSets, ServiceIDListener callback, DiscoveryManagement discoveryMgr, LeaseRenewalManager leaseMgr)
          Constructs an instance of this class that will register the given service reference with all discovered lookup services and, through an event sent to the given ServiceIDListener object, communicate the service ID assigned by the first lookup service with which the service is registered.
JoinManager(Object serviceProxy, Entry[] attrSets, ServiceIDListener callback, DiscoveryManagement discoveryMgr, LeaseRenewalManager leaseMgr, Configuration config)
          Constructs an instance of this class, configured using the items retrieved through the given Configuration object, that will register the given service reference with all discovered lookup services and, through an event sent to the given ServiceIDListener object, communicate the service ID assigned by the first lookup service with which the service is registered.

Uses of Entry in net.jini.lookup.entry

Classes in net.jini.lookup.entry that implement Entry
 class Address
          The address of the physical component of a service.
 class Comment
          A free-form comment about a service.
 class Location
          The location of the physical component of a service.
 class Name
          The name of a service as used by users.
 class ServiceInfo
          Generic information about a service.
 class ServiceType
          Human-oriented information about the "type" of a service.
 class Status
          The base class from which other status-related entry classes may be derived.

Methods in net.jini.lookup.entry that return Entry
 Entry AddressBean.followLink()
          Return the Entry linked to by this JavaBeans component.
 Entry CommentBean.followLink()
          Return the Entry linked to by this JavaBeans component.
 Entry EntryBean.followLink()
          Return the Entry linked to by this JavaBeans component.
 Entry LocationBean.followLink()
          Return the Entry linked to by this JavaBeans component.
 Entry NameBean.followLink()
          Return the Name linked to by this JavaBeans component.
 Entry ServiceInfoBean.followLink()
          Return the Entry linked to by this JavaBeans component.
 Entry StatusBean.followLink()
          Return the Entry linked to by this JavaBeans component.

Methods in net.jini.lookup.entry with parameters of type Entry
static EntryBean EntryBeans.createBean(Entry ent)
          Create a bean of the appropriate type for the given Entry object, and link it to the object for immediate manipulation.
 void AddressBean.makeLink(Entry e)
          Make a link to an Entry object.
 void CommentBean.makeLink(Entry e)
          Make a link to an Entry object.
 void EntryBean.makeLink(Entry e)
          Make a link to an Entry object.
 void LocationBean.makeLink(Entry e)
          Make a link to an Entry object.
 void NameBean.makeLink(Entry e)
          Make a link to an Entry object.
 void ServiceInfoBean.makeLink(Entry e)
          Make a link to an Entry object.
 void StatusBean.makeLink(Entry e)
          Make a link to an Entry object.

Uses of Entry in

Methods in that return Entry
abstract  Entry AvailabilityEvent.getEntry()
          Returns a copy of the Entry whose transition triggered this event.
abstract  Entry AvailabilityEvent.getSnapshot()
          Returns a snapshot of the Entry whose transition triggered this event.
 Entry MatchSet.getSnapshot()
          Returns a snapshot of the Entry removed by the last call to next.
          Removes one Entry from the match set and returns a copy to the caller.
 Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout)
          Read any matching entry from the space, blocking until one exists.
 Entry JavaSpace.readIfExists(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout)
          Read any matching entry from the space, returning null if there is currently is none.
 Entry JavaSpace.snapshot(Entry e)
          The process of serializing an entry for transmission to a JavaSpaces service will be identical if the same entry is used twice.
 Entry JavaSpace.take(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout)
          Take a matching entry from the space, waiting until one exists.
 Entry JavaSpace.takeIfExists(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout)
          Take a matching entry from the space, returning null if there is currently is none.

Methods in with parameters of type Entry
 EventRegistration JavaSpace.notify(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, RemoteEventListener listener, long lease, MarshalledObject handback)
          When entries are written that match this template notify the given listener with a RemoteEvent that includes the handback object.
 Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout)
          Read any matching entry from the space, blocking until one exists.
 Entry JavaSpace.readIfExists(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout)
          Read any matching entry from the space, returning null if there is currently is none.
 Entry JavaSpace.snapshot(Entry e)
          The process of serializing an entry for transmission to a JavaSpaces service will be identical if the same entry is used twice.
 Entry JavaSpace.take(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout)
          Take a matching entry from the space, waiting until one exists.
 Entry JavaSpace.takeIfExists(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout)
          Take a matching entry from the space, returning null if there is currently is none.
 Lease JavaSpace.write(Entry entry, Transaction txn, long lease)
          Write a new entry into the space.

Uses of Entry in org.openspaces.remoting

Classes in org.openspaces.remoting that implement Entry
 class EventDrivenSpaceRemotingEntry
 class HashedEventDrivenSpaceRemotingEntry

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.