GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API | |||||||||
Packages that use ClusterInfo | |
org.openspaces.admin.pu | Support for managing of Processing Unit(s) through the Admin API. |
org.openspaces.core.cluster | Cluster information holder objects and abstraction allowing for custom beans to be injected with it (if set). |
org.openspaces.core.gateway | |
org.openspaces.core.properties | A package supporting advance properties based configuration (based on Spring Properties configuration support) and the ability to inject them externally to a Spring application context. |
org.openspaces.core.space | This package is responsible for simplifying the creation of IJSpace implementation. |
org.openspaces.core.space.mode | A package exposing Space mode (primary/backup) events through Spring application event support. |
org.openspaces.interop | |
org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty | |
org.openspaces.pu.container.integrated | An integrated (embedded) processing unit container allowing to integrate the execution of a Processing Unit within an application or executed within an IDE. |
org.openspaces.pu.container.jee | |
org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.context | |
org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.jetty | |
org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.lb.apache | |
org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid | A Service Grid based processing unit container. |
org.openspaces.pu.container.standalone | A standalone processing unit container. |
org.openspaces.pu.container.support | Support classes for processing unit containers including command line parsers and Spring resource based application context. |
org.openspaces.remoting | A package including OpenSpaces support for Sync and Async remoting inspired by other Spring remoting integrations. |
org.openspaces.remoting.scripting |
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.admin.pu |
Methods in org.openspaces.admin.pu that return ClusterInfo | |
ClusterInfo |
Returns the cluster info of the processing unit instance. |
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.core.cluster |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.cluster that return ClusterInfo | |
ClusterInfo |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.cluster with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
static Properties |
ClusterInfoPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.createProperties(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
void |
ClusterInfoAware.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Sets the cluster information. |
void |
ClusterInfoPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Constructors in org.openspaces.core.cluster with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
ClusterInfoBeanPostProcessor(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Constructs a new cluster info bean post processor based on the provided cluster info. |
ClusterInfoPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.core.gateway |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.gateway with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
void |
AbstractGatewayComponentFactoryBean.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.core.properties |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.properties with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
void |
BeanLevelPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Constructors in org.openspaces.core.properties with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
BeanLevelPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer(BeanLevelProperties beanLevelProperties,
ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.core.space |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.space with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
UrlSpaceConfigurer |
UrlSpaceConfigurer.clusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
void |
UrlSpaceFactoryBean.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Injected thanks to this bean implementing ClusterInfoAware . |
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.core.space.mode |
Methods in org.openspaces.core.space.mode with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
void |
SpaceModeContextLoader.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Used to pass ClusterInfo to the newly created application context. |
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.interop |
Methods in org.openspaces.interop with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
void |
DotnetProcessingUnitContainerProvider.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
void |
DotnetProcessingUnitBean.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Sets the cluster information. |
Constructors in org.openspaces.interop with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
DotnetProcessingUnitContainer(ClusterInfo clusterInfo,
BeanLevelProperties beanLevelProperties)
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty |
Methods in org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty that return ClusterInfo | |
ClusterInfo |
Methods in org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
void |
GigaSessionManager.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.pu.container.integrated |
Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.integrated with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
void |
IntegratedProcessingUnitContainerProvider.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Sets the ClusterInfo that will be used to configure this
processing unit. |
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee |
Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
void |
SharedContextFactory.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.context |
Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.context with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
static void |
BootstrapWebApplicationContextListener.prepareForBoot(File warPath,
ClusterInfo clusterInfo,
BeanLevelProperties beanLevelProperties)
Changes the web.xml to include the bootstrap context listener and the request statistics filter |
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.jetty |
Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.jetty that return ClusterInfo | |
static ClusterInfo |
Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.jetty with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
void |
JettyJeeProcessingUnitContainerProvider.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Sets the ClusterInfo that will be used to configure this
processing unit. |
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.lb.apache |
Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.lb.apache that return ClusterInfo | |
ClusterInfo |
Returns the cluster specific information fo the load balancer node (the web application processing unit instance). |
Constructors in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.lb.apache with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
LoadBalancerNodeInfo(ServiceID serviceID,
ClusterInfo clusterInfo,
JeeServiceDetails serviceDetails)
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid |
Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid that return ClusterInfo | |
ClusterInfo |
ClusterInfo |
ClusterInfo |
ClusterInfo |
Constructors in org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
PUDetails(ServiceID gscServiceID,
ClusterInfo clusterInfo,
BeanLevelProperties beanLevelProperties,
Object[] details)
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.pu.container.standalone |
Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.standalone with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
void |
StandaloneProcessingUnitContainerProvider.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Sets the ClusterInfo that will be used to configure this
processing unit. |
Constructors in org.openspaces.pu.container.standalone with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
StandaloneContainerRunnable(BeanLevelProperties beanLevelProperties,
ClusterInfo clusterInfo,
List<String> configLocations)
Constructs a new standalone container runnable based on the provided configuration set parameters. |
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.pu.container.support |
Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.support that return ClusterInfo | |
static ClusterInfo |
ClusterInfoParser.parse(CommandLineParser.Parameter[] params)
Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.support with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
static void |
ClusterInfoParser.guessSchema(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Guess the cluster schema if not set. |
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.remoting |
Methods in org.openspaces.remoting with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
void |
SpaceRemotingServiceExporter.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Cluster Info injected |
void |
ExecutorRemotingTask.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Uses of ClusterInfo in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting |
Methods in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting with parameters of type ClusterInfo | |
void |
DefaultScriptingExecutor.setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API | |||||||||